help on BoTG


New member
Feb 16, 2006
I need help, I have tried to finish the first land about 5 times now, but I can't stop the aztecs! It's like Mission Impossible for me :p So I was wondering if anyone could write down some tip or strategy for me? ^^
what i did is have my crature build the walls that are already set up and build a temple next to ur walls so whn there's an attack u can zap em'.
also it's aloooot easier to beat level 1 by impressiveness than by force  :yes
Okay... i found this easy.

The alter is already built, and the aztecs dont attack for a while. so a.) get those walls built quickly and b.) get your creature to rescue the dudes in the prison beside the enemies capital city. Build up your city more after saving the guys from the prison.

Next. You might want to do a few silver scrolls to get a bit of tribute. Buy a miracle or 2. (if your good, may i suggest the verdant?) And get ready for attack. Make alot of breeders, you'll need as many men/woman as you can get, and keep your creature at the ready.

Youll want to be destroying those catupalts as quickly as posible. Throw a few stones at them. Without the catapults the enemy soldiers cant get in, but kill them anyway. (unless you dont want to)

The get a few armies (if your evil) and take over the towns. Send your creature in to destroy the armies first. Or if your good build loads.
Make sure you have 20-25 worshippers at your alter(or more if you constantly use miracles). When he sends all the armies in the old greek town towards you, use rocks around your town to fend them off as they come up the hill to your town.

Also, make sure you rescued your men. They are VERY important and hold many men. Have your creature know heal and fire miracles, and make sure you have the Death, Life and Shield miracles(Shield and Life, more importantly). Also also make sure you have walls all around your town, no gaps, no open spots, no open gates. Make some archers to be on your walls if your a weak noob. Be prepared once you have impressed/taken 2 towns(I think 2), the Undead creature is found, and starts running around smacking your walls.
Heres another tactic that works...
6 or so worshipers at your altar, build no walls and let them come.
Wait until the current attack is around your TC and then hit them with lightning or fireball and hand force the survivors.
Building Siren wonders can also allow you to zap enemy troops long before they reach your town/s even if you don't use them.