Files with no download link.


Aug 7, 2017
I wanted to download: Land 10 V1 - The forgotten Aztec Land, but there is no Download button. and I can't comment about it. Help!
Hi herolich2

This website wasn't always bwfiles, it use to be kayssplace and sadly this website went down in 2014. When kayssplace went down Handsome_Matt was able to recover most of the files and setup this site bwfiles. But not all the files were recovered, we are currently missing a little over 300 files from kayssplace.

Land 10 V1 - The forgotten Aztec Land is sadly one of the missing files. Since the this item's file is missing the download link doesn't appear.

When you attempt to comment on the item do you see an error message?
Oh, that is interesting, because I can see the reply button. It would seem that the reply button on those file pages only appears to admins. I was not aware of this bug.

I know of a way to fix this bug, but I don't currently have access to the server so I can't fix it.

You can still reply on this topic if you go to that file's page:
then go to the bottom of the page you'll see "BWFiles »Files »Land 10 V1 - The forgotten Aztec Land" If you click on the item's name that will take you to that item's forum topic and the reply button will be there. Any comment there will appear on that item's file page.