Extreme growth map


Nov 10, 2007
Do you guys think using the extreme growth map is cheating? (well, not so much cheating, but the way that you shouldnt grow your creature.) I just thought that it might not be rightful to change the time of day to your benefit. I just want the peace of mind which would allow me to use it, but i dont want to cheat at the game =P
What do you think?
Well of course it is cheating ....but only in the same way as  doing extra training  to win a sports day race or revising before an exam.
The EG map was never aimed at new  players of the game and mainly done  for MP where almost every players creature was full sized,  mostly edited and brain dead.
The EG map/ system uses every legal trick it can to maximise growth, within the game. No rules broken, no editing.
That said  it can reduce start to finish of the game  to  1 or2 sessions. Once you have played through once with a full sized creature  your replay games can  be as quick as  4-6h but 8 is very good.  Obviously I am talking  creature  converter not influence builder here.
But that's enough from me.
yes its cheating but no getting a huge creature is better than a small creature and besides cheating is fun....IM EVIL :devil or use kong http://members.iinet.net.au/~krank/files/Kong.exe its better but i suggest using the extreme growth map and this the extreme for training and kong for changing thingies 'bout your creature..