Different Animal


New member
Oct 30, 2005
i was thinking all of the animals are mostly lands animals it would be cool if they had something different like a eagle or a bat or even some  kind of fish loli thik that would be a really cool idea what do u guys think
Err....  that would be to hard,  birds can fly and fish can only swim and a fish with legs is a little strange to :p  and fishes look ugly...
think a bout this a lion that walks on 2 feet and the bird doesnt have to fly and maybe the fish can be like a shark or a giant lobster or crab lol just an idea
none of this will be possible, till the mod tools are released, so sit back and relax.......

Cause, once they come out, there will be new creatures everywhere.
i dont have black and white 2, i do have dial up. a cheap wal mart brand (so ive been told) graphics card. and a crappy computer. your all starting to scare me.. the less i mess with technology the more you all confuse me. as advanced as i get is heavy on dance dance revolution.
why not the lion on 4 legs but can  switch to 2 legs whenevr it wants that way it will run faster
yeah, that is kool. id like to see the dragon, but a guys workin on that.

think a bout this a lion that walks on 2 feet and the bird doesnt have to fly and maybe the fish can be like a shark or a giant lobster or crab lol just an idea

Um, i think if you look around the BW2 folder (not sure tho) you'll find some early BW skins, and some early ideas, eg, the dolphin skin. :;):

none of this will be possible, till the mod tools are released, so sit back and relax.......

Cause, once they come out, there will be new creatures everywhere.

srry if that seemed a bit straight forward. its not like me  :p
What i would like to see is some sort of amphibian and some sort of reptile. And maybe a flightless bird like an emu or a chicken.
I want a big pink bunny that fights like a wolf, does that hovering thing the cow does, has ears that change according to alignment, and kind of leap/bounds instead of runs.  :woot
wo.......... sounds kinda freaky to see that in bw 2............
i have seen rabbits around trees tho so maybe
I'll use the meshes for one of those and multiply the size by a gajillion trillion million.  :yes
Good idea but its not practical and wouldn't work with the games story. With a fish or eagle creature you could just fly/swim to the next island. and considering you have no control of the creature it would be completely pointless. Eagles could fly onto too small patches of land and get stuck making it full of glitches. Possibly in the next game these could be a new feature. Picking a land, sea or air creature. What I'm trying to say is, Nice idea but not practical.