Creatures - tips and tricks


New member
Nov 10, 2006
I've been searching the forums lately for Creature tips and tricks (growing up, feeding it etc.), and meanwhile I've been wondering if we needed a thread were some of the B&W2 veterans and experienced gamers could give newcomers some tips and tricks for raising Creatures, making it stronger, faster etc. Shall I go first, then?

If you let your Creature workout while he's hungry, it won't have the same effect if he already ate, because he needs to burn the fat off.

Sleep, food and exercise is the three basics in getting a big, healthy and strong Creature.

By entertaining your villagers, your Creature will get exercise!

Don't be shy, post your advices and tips here! :)
That about covers it.
Fighting and gathering are good for strength.
All the rest you can do from menus.  :(
There is no need for any special care for  your creature and no advantage  gained if you do. In B&W2 he is just a robot nothing more.
With a real pet (as in B&W1) you cant use a menu to select what you teach him or buy knowledge upgrades but you can for your robot.
get him to do stuff that your villages cant, like go out to collect ore, build walls, attack platoons if you dont hve any armies. People ask me "How do i get more ore because my mine ran out?" An i always tell them that your creature is there for a reason and you should use it. My creature collects wood and grain alot but i use him mostly for war and killing everything my men would struggle with. He is very powerful. To have a powerful fighting mahine i bestowed him with lightning, fire and heal miracles and upgraded his warrior role to master warrior. this has made him incredibly strong but it also helps if you get your creature to work out with tree's and rocks.