Creatures and Megablast Extreme...


New member
Aug 30, 2003
EDIT:  Thought I posted this in the wrong board, but it turns out that this IS the right place to put B&W stuff...  :blush

Recently, as a test of the creature's casting ability in relation to its size, I taught an Ape to cast Megablast Extreme.  That is, I showed it the miracle three times (after teaching it the standard and increased forms), beating it furiously the one and only time it showed a sign of imitative anger, and used the leopard/ape/creature changer glitch to increase its miracle knowledge to 100%.  I then set it to task, only to find it utterly incapable of using the miracle from 'birth'; it simply yawned and began to sleep whenever attached to an enemy structure with the leash of aggression, and although it often attempted to cast the miracle after seeing it cast from a miracle seed, it invariably collapsed from its injuries or through my intervention (water miracle).

It seemed that its size was the inhibiting factor, and so I Konged it to 100% height, and resumed my efforts.  All it did was 'rest' when leashed, and so I am left with doubt - is it even possible for a creature to use MBX?  MBI is useful, but can't bring down a god with several thousand belief points (and vilagers) in one casting.

I mean, the flock of wolves miracle is glitched (auto-fail, even at 100% knowledge), invisibility targets other creatures (?!?!), and the creature can't even cast the increased resource miracles... perhaps it makes sense that the creature is unable to cast the most absurdly overpowered and unbalalancing miracle in-game.

If anyone has had success in getting their creature to cast Megablast Extreme, I welcome and tips and tricks that worked for you.   :help
Not extreme but a kool combo! He went to Lyths temple at games start, Used Mega Blast Increased, then as it was going on Fire Ball Extreme, follwoed by a lightning extreme(continuosly). He had killed Lyths for me by himself within 7 min. The most awsome combo ever! :yourock:
I've never tried it, but from what I understand your creature can't cast it because it takes more energy than he's got.

Btw, a creature can cast the Pack of Wolves.
My creature has great stamina. I taught him! Plus he used like 4 lighting extremes thats all. I send him in the middle of nowhere and mega blast him. Lighting him. Burn him and leave him there. He can use about 9 mega blast increase and 4 heals before he runs out of energy. :D
Kays said:
Btw, a creature can cast the Pack of Wolves.

Seriously?  I've taught several creatures the miracle, and none of them could successfully cast it.  Maybe it's fixed in the V.2 patch; I've only the V.1 patch included on the CD.  I'll give it a shot with a specially designed miracle-test creature... one whose eventual death due to data corruption will not disappoint or frustrate me in the least.  :devil

That is, after I reinstall B&W - ever since I installed my new BW2-compatible hardware, I've been experiencing fatal lockups/crashes/glitches in the Skirmish map selection screen...
yes,try updating ur patch or try to gett a more aggressive creature might wanna try the "aggresive creature" miracle