Creature reborn.


New member
Feb 12, 2006
Hey guys. I've got a problemo. Every time I go to another land or restart it, my creature is suddenly reborn. He's still his old size, all role upgrades take effect (including master soldier... whew no 250,000 tribute down the drain) and he still knows all miracles. But it displays him as 0 age and everything i've ever taught him is gone. Including what or who to eat, help or simply ignore. Please if anyones had this problem and fixed it, please tell me how. I'm desperate to keep my 100% good creature.

P.S. If you help or try to help, you :yourock:.  :yes
thats one weird bug.

Are you playing from a save file that existed before the 1.2 patch? I've heard it can cause problems.
No see, it's been happening ever since i got to the second japanese land for the very first time and that was before i got patch 1.2
Same thing happens for me.... Whenever I go to the next island this happens...
Maybe we should report this to lionhead and ask them whats up with this and to try and fix it in the next patch (if its coming.)
That happened me too, He also changed from a cow to a lion going onto the 3rd or 4th island :(
Yea my brother had that problem too. He had a wolf, and going to the 2nd japanese land, he suddenly lost everything his creature knew, AND it turned into a lion. Real strange ???
Hmm yeah... my creature doesn't change or anything, but I have never had an epic fully charge up for me even when I had the epic charger program thing :( I don't know what is wrong with it.
You should all notify lionhead of this. They really need to put more into debugging the game.
What Island are you on? My creature and I are still on six.
Well ive beaten the game twice on the same profile so, how does the first aztec land sound like to you?
Very strange!  :laugh2 How did you beat the second japanese brother?? :shocked my lion and I are stuck!  :help
Lets not get off topic, this is really strange, if anything is keeping me away from keeping my smart lion, and its something i can fix, then someone tell me something i can try.
DarkBillie - Well.. I did the same, and finish it off!  :yourock: Now I'm on 7 yipppeee!

Ok back to the topic...

you told me you use the same profile name right? Try another one... I guess it will work. :angel