Creature Priorities made visible somehow?


New member
May 15, 2006
The Priority Scales

Your creature's stats are reading as - Hunger: 50% Tiredness: 50% Damage: 50% Poop: 50% and Dehydration: 50%

From this you can see that he's needing everything quite badly, but without the priorities this might confuse the AI. The priorities will dictate which of these has preference over another. If you have taught you creature to eat at 50% by rewarding him to 100% a hell of a lot of times then that conditioning will be added to the overall value. As you reward and punish the creature you are adding and removing priority points from it's mind. Let's say that 100% reward is +5 points, and 100% punishment is -5. Using the stats above the creature priorities might look like this.

Hunger: 50pts * Tiredness: 20pts * Damage: 40pts * Poop: 20pts * Dehydration: 5pts

So by looking at this you can see that the creature will deal with his hunger first, his damage 2nd, Tiredness or Poop 3rd and Dehydration 4th. Now this can be effected by your training. If he's at 50% damage then he's quite badly hurt and in need of healing. The trouble being that he will think satisfying his hunger is more important so he'll go looking for food before dealing with his injuries. You may want him to heal himself first however.

You have 2 options, first you could let him eat first. He'll then he will heal himself some how. You reward him to 100% for doing this, his stats then will appear like this.

Hunger: 50pts * Tiredness: 20pts * Damage: 45pts * Poop: 20pts * Dehydration: 5pts

So even after that, he'll still want to eat first if the need is high enough. The titan's mind will compare the current percentage need with the priority points to decide what gets preference but from your training the priority may be further modified. If we look at the Hunger priority in more detail then you'll see what I mean:

Hunger: 99% : 50pts

Hunger: 89% : 20pts

Hunger: 79% : 35pts

Hunger: 69% : 70pts

Hunger: 59% : 72pts

Hunger: 49% : 30pts

Hunger: 39% : 30pts

Hunger: 29% : 15%

Hunger: 19% : -5pts

Hunger: 09% : 5pts
I finally understood how this system works but is it possible to view these 'priority stats' in any way or should they just be remembered/written down after each reward/punishment?
are you a neat freak who wants to keep track of everything?

if not then no

the good majority of people i know just did things with their creature as they went through the game, just playing through.

i recommend making a simple mental note
just be remembered/written down after each reward/punishment
havoc said:
are you a neat freak who wants to keep track of everything?
Basically... Yes. I'm a perfectionist.
the good majority of people i know just did things with their creature as they went through the game, just playing through.
Not quite what I asked for.
i recommend making a simple mental note
Good one. Ha-ha.
Hey this is B&W1 your creature is a pet not a robot so treat him like one.
B&W2 is a different story here you have a robot in a crteature skin and you can change all his settings as often as you want when you want,  no waiting for actions to correct  just dial it up.
Gremxula said:
Hey this is B&W1 your creature is a pet not a robot so treat him like one.
I've understood this via trial & error but I want him to act as much in a certain way as possible to my liking. Seeing the priorities list (even with a 3rd Party Program?) would help a lot.
Wow you really go far into creature training. i dont really think it is necessary to go that deep into it imho. As long as he sleeps, drinks and eats at around 50% and not much higher he will keep his reserves up easily, myself i dont worry that much about eating if he eats at 70% or 80% sometimes, since fat is so easily replaced, i move him over to a fishfarm and feed him till i see the desired bellysize.

My preffered order is heal, eat, drink sleep, this way when i let him loose he will go drink and eat and then when he wakes up later he is fully refreshed to do my biddings

You can train a creature to do anything you want I can see the idea behind the priorty lists but it is not essential.
Train him to feed heal and water himself are the core actions then you can add the other volantry miricles 3 are plenty to achieve reliable results, anymore can result in seemingly random acts.