Creature Corpses


New member
Aug 13, 2006
Don't you hate it when after you beat the enemy, his creature come rumbiling thourgh your city. tearing it apart, and ruining it? And to make it even worse, when you kill him, his corpse just lies there, in the middle of your city, ruining your landscape. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? The only way I can think of is to cover it with trees, but then my villagers and creature tear the tree down for wood. Any suggestions?  :angel
The only thing I can think of is to kill him before he gets to your town. :p
Your creature should get out more or try winning by impressiveness instead.
Gremxula said:
Your creature should get out more or try winning by impressiveness instead.
I do win by impressiveness, and its not just about my creature, I kill their creature too because I don't want it destroying all my hard work and killing my people.
OK hat I should have said is at around the time you win the land your creature should kill the enemy one outside your village then the corpse wont hang around for ever. :D
I try not to fight in towns whatsoever the believe after a win maybe nice but i have to rebuild half the town afterwards. And i think its not really good god like to allow your creature to have a brawl on top of ppl's homes 8-)
here's a pic of a creature corpse, that is now dead. :happytears:

