Creature changer


New member
Oct 13, 2008
I downloaded kilroys skirmish mac map so I could change my creature's type, but when I changed the variable, nothing happened.[br][br]Added: [time]1223938566[/time]:P I looked at the code more carefully- that as only for the enemy god's creature. What code can I insert that will edit my creature type?
Try this, I believe that it should work. Just make sure to backup your creaturemind file first.


Creates a creature.

CREATE_CREATURE_FROM_FILE("Affiliation", Creature#, CreatureMind, "x,y")

Affiliation - Who does the creature belong to? (Ex. "PLAYER_TWO", "NEUTRAL") 
Creature# - The type of creature.  See chart below.
CreatureMind - Chooses how your creature behaves.  Selected from the files in .\Black & White\Scripts\CreatureMind.  Note: In that file, there will be a randomly named .erc that is actually your current creature's mind.  You can use this file in this line if you copy it and rename it to something like 'MyCreature'.*
x & y - The start location of the creature.

*Unless you use your creature's mind file, if you set the created creature's affiliation to "PLAYER_ONE" it will overwrite your current creature with whatever mind you selected.  You could potentially destroy everything you've taught your creature! 

CREATE_CREATURE_FROM_FILE("PLAYER_FIVE", 4, "LethysCreature", "2053.45,1700.42")
Creates a wolf creature belonging to Player 5 that will behave like Lethys' creature.

    0 Ape
    1 Cow
    2 Tiger
    3 Leopard
    4 Wolf
    5 Lion
    6 Horse
    7 Tortoise
    8 Zebra
    9 Brown Bear
  10 Polar Bear
  11 Sheep
  12 Chimp
  13 Ogre
  14 Mandrill
  15 Rhino
  16 Gorilla
  17 Giant Ape*

*The Giant Ape is a bit odd.  It automatically dies at the start of the map and continues in a die, resurrect, die, resurrect loop until the map ends.  I would recommend not using this creature.

CRASH ALERT! - Do not use values higher than 17!
This guy is also on the PB&W forums.
His problem is  he has a MAC and is trying to change his own  creature !
I sent him here to get the creature changer maps but he got the wrong  idea and got  Kilroys the only MAC map you list.
It maybe time  to remove that single download and  replace it with the general advice  given elsewhere that 99.9% of everything that is not ???.exe is Mac compatable.
It is just the ???.zip format of the  compressed files that caused the problems years ago.
There now many free UN ZIPPERS  for the MAC and even more  you can pay for.  :D
:angry  I erased my creature's mind. Though I did swap it to a different type finally. Anyway, I couldn't find the mind file you were talking about, so I backed up the creaturemind folder, which didn't fix its mind when I put it back in. Bad choice I guess.  :no Where can I find the mind file I need? I also couldn't find the file type you told me about.
Your  creature's mind files are the ones ending in .erc. The ones (there are two) with the latest date is probably your creature.

I've never had the creature changer maps. The thing about that map is that the newlines were replaced with carriage returns which were more friendly to the older Macs.
Black&White/Scripts/CreatureMind contains:

All modified Dec 10 2001. No .erc files.
Those are the B&W/CI scripting tools and are not a part of the original game.

The CreatureMind folder is in the Scripts folder in the directory where B&W is installed.

Maybe this wil help.
Yeah I just looked in the downloads section and you don't have the maps.  So  a  :blush and so maybe they are lost in the mists of time.
From memory they worked something like the  "vortex" commands  not really available in game but  usable in skirmish if you knew how and not listed in the old or current  script lists.
You will remember  MAKE_LAST_OBJECT_ARTIFACT, value 1, value 2 from the old days, that never got listed.
The mapping lists  never contained that or the commands that could  emulate  the creature hut  and its contents.  :D
If i've got time I'll play around with it. I did see the line once and I beleive that it's what I quoted in my first post.

If that's all then it shouldn'r be difficult to convert a series of maps.
These are your game saves.
Black & WhiteScriptsCreatureMind
As the name implies, your creature's mind files are here.
Also if you use skins, backup your creature mesh folder, since a new install rewrites it.
Black & WhiteDataCreatureMesh
In case of a fresh install also backup your maps.
Black & WhiteDataLandscapeMultiPlayer
Black & WhiteScriptsPlaygrounds
This sounds like what is inside the B&W Scripts folder. But the CreatureMind folder is where I checked, and it wasn't there.
If the folder structure is the same as in windows and they did things the same way, it should be there.

Try searching your Mac for .erc Maybe they're kept elsewhere.
Great. I found it, and it works. But when I change my creature(while keeping its mind) will it shrink?
I don't think so, it's just the creature type which is being changed. Just make sure to backup that folder first.

Btw, where did you find  it?
Mac HD/Users/User/Library/Preferences/Lionhead/Black & White/Creature. I had no idea it would be there. The folder "Creature" contains those files I listed before, and the Mind and Physique for the creatures of all the profiles. (What is the Physique file for? Weight/size/fatness?
