
New member
Feb 9, 2007
Is it still possible to have a clan for black and white 1 online i want sum1 to host sumking of clan thing where they see if ure gud enough if so i have a 100% good full grown full strenght wolf.
Sure, it is still possible to get a clan together, but there aren't too many (if any) clans left to play against.

As for how to set up Phoenix, it's all laid out in that thread on the BWgame boards. To forward ports you need to access your router to do that. There are links on that thread to sites which have the info on that.
what do you mean router wireless router if so i dont have o9ne i jus have it plugged straight into my internet
If your computer is the only one in your household and it is plugged directly into the internet then you won't be able to host using Phoenix.

But you can join games.
Kays said:
If your computer is the only one in your household and it is plugged directly into the internet then you won't be able to host using Phoenix.

But you can join games.


My computer is plugged directly into the internet, via cable modem, and I can host games.