BW Phoenix Tutorial?


New member
Apr 8, 2015
Hi guys.
Is there any tutorial on how to use BW Phoenix?
Every Link on the whole Internet is down.
Is anyone able to help me getting started to play this awesome game with my bro  :help

Thanks for your help
If you and your bro are in the same house  then the simplest way to play together is with a twisted pair LAN cable. Loads of older games use this system and is free from any  internet restrictions or recording as you  have a Genuine LAN connection between your PC.s. You can get the  for  about the price of a "Berger" world wide.

But if you are determined to use a VLAN then  there are several choices but it will depend on the interest of a given HUB owner most give up after a few weeks or months. Hence your broken links.

Play against your Bro  but commit to at leased  10-15 games. The first 5-10 you learn his main strategy then  play in a way to  defeat it .

there is no easy way to play it coop with this program?
if it works properly we wanted to play with 2 other guys far away