BW or BW2


New member
Feb 5, 2007
I refused to upgrade to version 2 just for the awful creature interface. However, I think the graphics might have finally won me over... But still, the creature WAS a crowning aspect! :(
The graphics are good, and I like the epic miracles and battle inter face, but I don't think it's worth losing the creature AI  :no . I mean, all you can teach the creature pretty much is what to eat and who to kill.
bw1 i think, online and your creature is actually unique.

Unfortunately my cd has broke :O
It really does.  Problem was that B&W1 was so many things to so many people and because they streamlined it a bit and gave it more direction, something had to give and unfortunately, the creature was it.  Bad decision in my mind.

The creature was an obvious target from a Lionhead point of view as it polarised peoples opinions.  Some of the very things I and others loved about the creature were exactly what tickted off others.  Now while other aspects of the game also had conflicting opinions about it, they appeared to be more easily reconcilable than the creature.

Real shame though.  They took the creature in completely the wrong direction :( .  What still has me curious though is the AI engine they put behind that hidious teaching interface.  Think about it.  An AI is only as goo as what you teach it and how it is tought. 

Too much control severely restricts what the AI can do for itself, like in B&W2.  Sure, it can do things by itself, but only after you explicitly stating how much the creature should do it.  That's too close to controling the AI for my tastes.

On the other hand, the more subtle control interface (while flawed) in B&W1 allowed for the AI itself to be more creative with what you taught it.  The big problem here was you didn't really know what the hell you were teaching it.  Problem in B&W2 was that you knew all too well.

Surely there's a happy middle-ground somewhere?
Anyone that has had an untrained dog in the past knows that BW1 had a realistic creature interface, whereas BW2 is unrealistic and has an interface more like, say, a COMIC of an untrained dog. You have almost complete control; there's no challenge, every action is easily identified. I don't think that there's a good mid-ground; after all, wouldn't that be an unrealistic creature that had to have things drilled into its head, which are the weak points of both. And it would be impossible to get a realistic creature that could be easily taught.
Okapidragon said:
Anyone that has had an untrained dog in the past knows that BW1 had a realistic creature interface, whereas BW2 is unrealistic and has an interface more like, say, a COMIC of an untrained dog. You have almost complete control; there's no challenge, every action is easily identified. I don't think that there's a good mid-ground; after all, wouldn't that be an unrealistic creature that had to have things drilled into its head, which are the weak points of both. And it would be impossible to get a realistic creature that could be easily taught.
I agree to a point, but the Creature Interface was somewhat unforgiving in B&W1.  Also, it should be noted that realism does not always mean great gameplay, but I get what you mean alright.  The B&W1 creature interface beats the B&W2 interface by leaps and bounds :yes .
Oh, yeah, then we could move to creature size (which I guess I could KIND of understand, but still...) and variety. I'll admit that BW1 did have too much variety (and thus many clone creatures (a chicken fights like a HORSE?! :shocked )), but to the go to a lower extreme with only five creatures? I'm surprised that Lionhead didn't scrap lion or tiger, actually.
They kept the Lion for obvious reasons and the tiger was the fan favorite in a poll I believe. It is the most popular BW1 creature.

What I like about the BW1 creature is the way the interaction with the villagers is written in. I find it quite fascinating the dances the villagers do and their other actions when a creature is dancing and telling stories.

The story telling is also interesting because if you watch closely he actually is recounting his past experiences. It's not just a series of random gestures.
Kays said:
The story telling is also interesting because if you watch closely he actually is recounting his past experiences. It's not just a series of random gestures.
Woah, never knew that.
Kays said:
They kept the Lion for obvious reasons and the tiger was the fan favorite in a poll I believe. It is the most popular BW1 creature.
I figured as much.
Im suprised, I thought the turtle was the favourite. I saw tons online :o
During development, it was mentioned that the developers wanted the turtle too, but it didn't pan out that way:

- The Lion, Ape and Cow were initially decided by Lionhead
- They had time to make and properly test two more creatures, so they put it to a poll on the Lionhead boards.  The Wolf and the Tiger came out of that.

THere just wasn't any time left to make the turtle for the original game :( .
So, there's hope that in BW3 (IF there is one-I heard there was) that the creature will be "good" again and have more variety?  :suspect
Kays said:
The story telling is also interesting because if you watch closely he actually is recounting his past experiences. It's not just a series of random gestures.

That officially makes the game better than BW2 :0
Okapidragon said:
So, there's hope that in BW3 (IF there is one-I heard there was) that the creature will be "good" again and have more variety?  :suspect

Yes hopefully there will be because i miss the turtle.
B & W 1 definenately. Now there are only 5 creatures! The only GOOD one has to be unlocked. In the orginal however, The creatures can do much more, it is more challenging and fun to deal with, and other stuff!