Black & White Eruption


New member
Jun 27, 2004
Keep trying to finish this crazy thing, lol. Noticed two bugs. One: The trivia game says I fail even when I get all the answers right. Two: The whack-a-villager challenge, it says you get 45 seconds to kill 10 villagers, but the timer starts counting down from like 30 or 25. I feel like President Skroob in Spaceballs, asking, "Six?! What happened to seven?"

I remember playing Eruption. It was indeed a great expansion/mod thing. :p

I cant exactly remember everything, but I do remember the 30 second bug :) :p
You could try messing with the code.. Its just a little bug :D

Cant remember the trivia game though
I like the B&W Eruption mod.
On my PC have the Mod no errors.
I have not problem with the new "whack-a-villager" challenge.
I can the challenge complettet in 25 or 28 seconds.