Black and white lagg problem


New member
Jul 3, 2009
I woke up today, And started the game, then suddenly the game lagged much (Un-usual much).It never lagged so much before. I dont know really how to get off this lagging. Example, When i choosing options, Its loading, It should just do like that! (fast)

Any help?
Unless you've got a really old PC, it shouldn't lag. Have you done a malware scan on it lately using Spy Bot or a similar anti-malware tool?

Try defraging the drive the game is installed to.

Or it might just clear up on it's own the next time you go to play it. :)
Well, Me and my friend tried many things:

We checked the computer processer
We checked The graphic
We checked the for virus

And Its still lagging un-usual much, But it only laggs for example when you start the game, The temple is rising to big...Lagging just for that place and some others.

It shouldnt be lagging! I got a very good computer, And why should i just lagg now? It worked perfect yesterday :S
Ok forget it! The problem is solved!

It fixed by it selfs, VEry strange :S
It could have been something like windows update running in the background.