B&W hamachi test


New member
Feb 9, 2007
Right i am goin to try to use hamachi for a bw online game or if sum1 nos how u can do it the name of the ham is BnW1 n pass is 123 once we have enuff peepz we are goin on
I see you are online and I can connect to your network, but when I tried sending a chat message, I didn't get a response.  And how do we use this to play BW online anyway?
omgzorz *wispers to self* their actually trying hamachi  YaYZ

my heart skipps a beat ^^
Well, Havoc, since you seem to like Hamachi, can you explain how to use it to play BW1 online?
all you have to do is get people on the same sever for hamachi. Do the rest as you normally would (w/o pheonix) , and  viola!

i beleive thats all there is to it
