Audio bug level: trolling *FIXED*


New member
Nov 30, 2012
I know this has been a common problem due to the 1.20 patch or something else, and I know this has been answered far too many times. I am talking about that problem where after I patch to 1.20 I don't hear any music in-game. I did the trick to make it come back, which is to copy the Audio Music file from the CD to the game's location and it worked... Only, not completely:

As I am speaking I have tried to find the source of the problem and I think it might be because of one or many corrupted music-launching scripts, which I have no idea what they are or if there are or how to find them/restore them. That or the .sad files from my CD are actually corrupt themselves. If it's not that I have no idea since I now uninstalled and re-installed completely and entirely the game 3 times, I tried getting into the registry, I tried patching in order 1.1 and then 1.2, I tried no aditionnal patches after this, I tried all, I basically tried everything I could know about. Before going any further, I am not intending on patching the game at a lower version than 1.20 and I know that 1.30 is useless for me since I don't have a P-5 glove, so even though I know it works because I tried, I do not plan on not using patches. I also have the same problem at v1.10 alone, so this version is useless as well.

Now for what the problem is: After I copy the Audio from my CD to the game's location on the hard drive, only most of the music works. Thoses working musics are the neutral alignment ambiance music and all cinematic musics except 2. Those two musics are the smooth ambiance when you talk to Sable for the first time, or the guide and etc... The second music is the ending credit music. Everything else works, as well as the quest related music and subtle musics such as signing stones, flutes, funerals, etc... Other musics that doesn't work includes the temple music, town's ambiances and everything linked to a good or evil alignment. Also, the two creature fight musics doesn't work. Dances are there however, and what's weirder is that every once in a while the game will play the neutral ambiance in place of one of the unworking musics (the temple one being the most frequent), and what I find even weirder is that when I do the same trick for Creature Island, all the music works in CI, but everything I try fails for B&W.

I have no clue if it ever happened to someone and would seriously need help. I searched most B&W existing forums to date but nothing gives, and I never heard anyone with the same problem occuring.

Also, any clues on why the good conscience thinks that it's evil to heal?

Reinstalling the game again is not an option anymore, it has proven futile.

*EDIT* Since 100% of the audio music worked for Creature Island and after looking at the names of the music files I noticed that they were the exact same, I tried copying the musics from Creature Island into the original B&W instead and it worked, some of the .sad files in my old CD were simply corrupted or something like that I guess.