Aggressive AI?


New member
Oct 2, 2018
I remember vaguely years ago there's a way to make the AI of other gods more aggressive [IE taking over towns and sometimes even just randomly leash spamming their creature to your own, following your creature and such.]  Like on Land 2 with Lethys and Kazhar.  I THOUGHT it was based on the name you choose to use [Something about certian short names?] but I can't remember.  I've been playing on a new file but the AI just isn't agro enough for my liking!  Anyone have some insight for me?
Randomly leashing and throwing rocks on the creature… yes, that sounds like what Nemesis would do. He was also ignoring his influence limits and cast lightning/megablast on my villages — but only occasionally. I was using a 3 letter name, but his behavior was more erratic than aggressive, which I think is evidence enough that there’s more to it than just the length of your nickname.