Adjusting The Look of your creature...


New member
Feb 23, 2005
Not sure if there's been a thread like this before. But, previously, I'm sure somewhere I either read or saw on a video that once (or before) you've chosen your creature, you could adjust the length and texture of the hair? and... (for those who have the Special Edition, play the bonus disk - it shows a quick clip whilst the creators are talking about B&W2) other features, like the faces? o.O  :shocked

Is this true... or is it only something which can be done when we have the right editing tools, as like the previous B&W with skinning etc. ^_^  :;):

If it is true... then that will make things more varied between the overall appearance between creatures, and their godly owners.  :upside
Well..  I made topic about the hair but Kays said that that was one of the ideas put they didnt put it in..    I think its the same with the length and stuff...  I THINK that I'm not sure :)
In the original videos, they showed the developers version of the game and there was a menu that they used to vary the length and look of the hair as a demo. Maybe this is what you were thinking about.

I think that these controls are now set by the game automaticaly. But I could be wrong.

We'll have to wait to see what the modders can come up with :)
I'd be happy with anything so long as I can make my creature blue
(believe it or not I actually haven't got the game yet  :laugh2)
Yeah, it's more likely to come out as or with an add-on CD for B&W2... but I hope not, lol. I will be looking for ways to edit the skins soon anyway,  :;): since modding is quite interesting and opens up a new range of ideas and posibilities (too many i's xd).  :D

The modders have come up with a way to skin a creature, but it's not as simple as it was before.
Kays can you check the link i think it wrong or broken, cant open it ?!?
That's strange, it works fine for me.

Try this one. It's for the main page.

when i downloaded unSTUFF my windows blocks it because it says it could contain harmful virus and stuff how can i unblock it?
Just disable your virus checker when downloading it then.
no but kays it isnt my virus checker thingie its windows that blocks it and i dunno how to stop it
THe skinning tutorial is on the original BW2 site in the forums under the modding section.
Hi im new i was just wondering how u get that killer picture underneath ur post.      :help