The game seems to be more forgiving for some gestures, while others are dead tricky.
I could rarely pull off the required heart gesture for the heal miracle for instance, but I got pretty decent at pulling off the special move gestures for creatures in battles. In the end, I just started using a combination of keyboard short cuts and bookmarks back to my temple to select other spells when I needed them.
Not an ideal solution, but it worked well enough for me at least.
Actually, I learned something about the heart gesture:
You MUST, ABSOLUTELY MUST!! Start in the middle part of the bumps, right between them. Or it doesn't work.
I start at the bottom and make a rounded M shape. The trick is not to make a circle at the point Aquatics starts from. Both ways work.
Most gesture casting problems are due to the unintentional small loops or circles by trying to be too quick.
Like FP I use the "r" key to repeat the last miracle.
Space bar, Tab and Bookmarks are good ways to zoom around. My favorite is zoom out and Dclick on my destination.
That one (looks like a house to me) I start at the left go over the roof and back to the start, down across and up, as in the animation for the gesture.
1) Make sure your mouse settings are set to a comfortable speed(not sure if this affects in-game, but it might. I've never had a problem with it) Edit: Or your mouse itself could be causing problems. What are you using?
2) Start slow
3) Practice
4) R for repeat
5) P for pause, and go to your temple to select the miracle if you cant do the gesture. Un-pause, pick the miracle, pause again and go back to where you were.
I've never had a problem with heart gesture but I get lulz from your suffering. :laugh2 I start at the point, and just... Draw a heart.
My advice: Take up Wicca. Not really, but it helped me. You get a steady hand from moving heavy things around in complicated patterns after a while, so taking up swordplay would likely also help. Also, you can trace the gestures pretty slowly, so focus on accuracy before speed, and "M" skips the miracle selection stage, "R" repeats your last miracle. Most of the miracles don't have exact gestures; Circling a few times does a spiral, going generally up and down makes a fireball/leash of aggression, lightning can be done by going over the first and last lines twice, and the teleport is not that hard to hit; Make a quick vertical motion with the mouse, a quick diagonal up, and so forth. It doesn't have to be one fluid motion. And I hate to say it, but trackballs and touchpads are better for gestures if you have an unsteady mouse hand.