A new guy asks a favor...


New member
Oct 28, 2005
Um hi.  I have a favor i wish to ask of anyone.  I've beaten B & W 1 about 4 or 5 times and decided i want a new skirmish game.  i tried to use a lot of script editors but none of them seem to work on my computer.  So i was wondering if someone could just make a map for me so i could play it...  Whoever wishes to do this you can have all the credit and everything i just want a map with my favorite stuff.  k thanks
What sort of map are you looking for?

Have you tried all of the maps available in our Downloads area.? ???

Moving this to B&W discussion.
Actually  i've only tried about half of them.  Are any of them on land five with just the tibetan, aztec, and greek villages with food increase, wood, heal increase, forest, and any other miricles besides kilroys training grounds? and the second tibetan village on land 5 you conquer from nemisis left as tibetan and the first one changed to greek and your temple where nemesis' temple was with the aztec village left the same...?  lol that was not intended to sound stuck up :P  that is the kind of map i would like...  sorry if i sounded like a spoilt brat...wasn't intended...
If I still had B&W installed I'd love to make that.  But I'm not doing that anymore.
Anyone?  I'd really like a map with just the stuff i want (not trying to be selfish  :P )  so i'd really appreciate it if someone made it for me... lol thanks in advance :P