its me again, that idiot that askes the dumbest questions of all butt anyway my question :
could some one post some sites where i can download some cool gorilla skins?
yeah sorry I didnt post in the right forum, im new to this scene u know..anyway I already saw the skins on this site and I was just wondering if u guys knew some sites to gett skins,ur reply's didnt help me much butt thanks anyway btw kays nice gorilla skin. :blues:
What are you looking for in the way of a gorilla skin and what alignment? ???
The problem is that most of the B&W sites have died. the only other place I can suggest to look is There might be some accessable B&W sites left.
Other than that I've got three gorilla skins from the defunct BWCenter which I haven't uploaded. One is an evil blue gorilla, there's one called cyclops (no screenshot) and a yeti gotilla, screenshot below.