... i have black and white, there is only three creatures i can pick from... but with the skins there is other pets such as... wolf, turtle, zebra, crocodile ... etc.... do i need creature isles?
If you download the creature unlockers you will have the choice if Mandrill, Gorilla, Horse and Leopard from the creature breeder on lands 1 & 4. (that shack up the beach from the missionaries' boat).
The other creatures you can get by using a creature changer.
Note: if using a creature changer your creature will loose some of his learnt knowledge. Especially if Changing from a smarter to a dumber creature.
Or you can win the extra creatures as you play through the game if you are playing B&W1, a total of 8 available in land one.
But if you are playing B&W2 there are only the few creatures available at the start.
Just a bit confused as this is a B&W2 forum?