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Profile Selector 1.0.0

  • Author Author J. Edward Sanchez
  • Creation date Creation date
Introduction------------Black & White Player Selector (BWS for short) is an add-on utility for the gameBlack & White from Lionhead Studios. It allows you to select a player profileto use *before* starting Black & White, thereby bypassing the mandatory (andvery time-consuming) "auto-load, auto-save, auto-load" sequence that the gamenormally imposes when you want to switch players at startup.Installation------------To install BWS, unzip BWS.EXE from BWS100.ZIP into your Black & Whiteinstallation folder. Then make a copy of your Black & White shortcut, andmodify it so that it points to BWS.EXE instead of RUNBLACK.EXE.Usage-----When you run BWS by starting the new shortcut that you created during theinstallation procedure, you are presented with a list of all of the availableplayer profiles. To help you identify the players at a glance, each player nameis displayed along with its corresponding player symbol. Custom player symbols(SYMBOLn.BMP) are fully supported.Select a player with the keyboard or mouse, then click OK. (Alternatively,simply double-click your selection.) BWS will update the Black & White settingsto use your selected player, and then it will launch Black & White. If you wantto update the current player setting without playing the game, uncheck the"Play Black & White now" option before clicking OK.
J. Edward Sanchez
First release
Last update
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