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BW2 Syntax Highlighter Notepad++ 1.0.0

This syntax highlighter only works with Notepad++
Thus if you'd like to use this syntax highlighter you'll have to download and install notepad++ if you don't already use it.
This is a link their website:

Once you have notepad++ installed then you can use this syntax highlighter, here are the steps you need to take to install it:
1. Extract the files from the zip file you downloaded from this page, it will only contain a xml file

2. Launch notepad++

3. Select language->Define your language

This will open a new dialog

4. Select the import button found in the User Defined Language dialog

5. Locate the syntax.xml file you extracted from the zip file in step 1

6. If the import was successful you should get a message saying "Import was successful" and you can now see the option BW2_V3 in the combobox at the top of the User Defined Language dialog

7. In order for this new language to be found by notepad you'll have to restart the program. Close and reopen notepad++

8. Open any BW2 script you've written

9. You should be able to find and select Language->BW2_V3

10. Your could should then light up with all kinds of colours.

Now notepad++ will not identify all txt file with BW2_V3 language you'll have to select the option every time you open a txt containing a BW2 script.
Secondly this syntax highlighter is not complete, as you all know the BW2 language is more like the English language then a programming language. This means there are plenty of words and phrases used this the language not included in this highlighter, but I've done my best to include as much as I could and over time I my update this.
  • Syntax_1.PNG
    35.4 KB · Views: 406
  • Syntax_2.PNG
    16.2 KB · Views: 412
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