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BW2 Modding Tools 1.0.0

  • Author Author Lionhead Studios
  • Creation date Creation date
Unstuffs the everything.stuff file. Some of the unstuffed files may be needed by the other tools.

Landscape Editor:
Pretty self explanatory. You will need to unstuffy things first. This tool also includes the special effects editor.

Script Compiler:
Write your own scripts. These scripts are use to make challenges, create cut scense and run the enemy AI.

Script Language Documentation:
All the functions. There’s lot's here, so expect to be overwhelmed (and there may be a few errors).

Note 1: You do need to have both patches installed to use the tools

Note 2: The tools will install into a folder called "Tools" in the Black & White 2 game directory. First you need to run the unsuffer by double clicking on the unstufer.bat file in the Unstuffer folder. This will upack the everything.stuff files. Which will take a while. If you do not have the game installed in the default location then you need to open the unstuffer.bat file with Notepad and edit the path to the game. You will need to do the same with the LAndscapeEditor.ini file in the Landscape Editor folder. Support can be found in the Modding forums on the Lionhead Studios forums.
Lionhead Studios
First release
Last update
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