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BnWExpressMapEditor 2.01 1.0.0

  • Author Author Agonized Menace
  • Creation date Creation date
About this program:This program allows you to easily create and edit Blackand White Maps. You will also be ableto create Multiplayer maps.=======================================================Features:* Allows you to create and edit Black and White Mapsand Landscapes.* Allows creation and editing of Multiplayer maps.Thanks to Sacha for helping me with this.* Added a new 2D Land Visualizer which can be used to find co-ordinates and edit lands. You can now editLands in both 2D and 3D. Thanks to Sacha for helping me with this.* Automatic Map Submission - Once you have finshedyour map, use this tool to automatically submit itto BW Maps.* Customizable Syntax Highlighting - Colours all the different parts of the script to make it much easierread.* Comes with 2 different Landscape Editors to make Land Creation as simple and easy as possible. Thanks toPanic and DragonBLK for giving me permission to usetheir Land editors in the Map editor.* New file browsing feature - Easily find Maps andLandscapes and open them quickly by double-clicking.* CREATE_MIST Colour Picker. Thanks to Sacha forgiving me permission to use his colour picker tool.* Auto Code Insert - Automatically insert Villagers,Abodes and much more without writing one line of code.Thanks to MorQuis for his help with this.* Scripting Help - Get instant help on any of thescript methods by highlighting the word and pushingF1. Thanks to MorQuis for his help with this.* New Map Wizard - Just enter a few options and amap will automatically be created for you.* A powerful editor with many features like abilityto open up to 20 maps at a time, easy navigationbetween maps, a recent file list, find and replaceand much more.* Automatically start Black and White so you canpreview your map. Now supports 3 different startup modes - Normal, Skirmish and Multiplayer.* Easily get co-ordinates with the Co-Ordinate Finder Tool. Thanks to Dark Yoda for his help with this.* Readme Creation - Once you finish your map, justuse this tool to easily and quickly create a greatlooking Readme for your map.* Extensive Help System - The Help menu containsmore Help then you'll ever need. It contains helpfiles, tutorials, contact information, website links and more.=======================================================How to use this program:This program is pretty easy to use once you get thehang of using it.Firstly, for those of you who are new to mapping, Isuggest you go through the mapping tutorial whichteaches you how the maps work. This can be accessedby going to the Help menu and clicking Mapping Tutorial.Then, if you are having trouble using the map editor, I suggest that you read through the Help files whichexplain how to use the Map Editor. This can be accessed by going to the Help menu and clicking Help.After you do this, you should have a very good idea on how to create maps with this map editor.Also, please check out the other items in the Help menu as there may be something there that will be able to help you if the above items don't.
Agonized Menace
First release
Last update
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