Volcano Cinematic


New member
May 9, 2006
Here is my Cinematic script for the Volcano epic. Looks great in the game.
define script VolcanoScript

begin script VolcanoScript

oTown = 0
vEpic = 0
oVolcano = 0
oVisual = 0
oVisual2 = 0
oVisual3 = 0
oVisual4 = 0


oTown = get town with id 0

begin loop
	oVolcano = 0
	if vEpic left clicked or vEpic right clicked
		wait 1 second
		if wonder in hand
		begin loop
			if wonder fire near hand position radius 0.5
				oVolcano = create volcano at hand position player 0
                             begin cinema
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time -1
                                move camera position to {oVolcano} time 5
                                wait 3 seconds
                                set fade red 255 green 255 blue 255 time 3
                                wait 1 second
                                set fade in time 1
                                wait 1 second
                                start music "norse_chant_vocal"
                                set camera focus to {vEpic}
                                set camera position to {vEpic}+{15,10,5}
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_1
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_2
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{15,20,5} time 5
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_3
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_4
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{15,30,5} time 5
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_5
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_6
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{15,40,5} time 5
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_7
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_8
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{15,50,5} time 5
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_9
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_10
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{15,60,5} time 5
                                enable predefined sky "volcano" time 5
                                wait 5 seconds
                                oVisual = create visual effect VISUAL_EFFECT_EPIC_VOLCANO_BEAM on vEpic time 1
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_START_BEAM
                                wait 2 seconds
                                set fade red 255 green 255 blue 255 time 3
                                wait 3 seconds
                                set fade in time 1
                                wait 1 second
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,60,40}
                                wait 5 seconds
                                stop visual effect oVisual
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_END_BEAM
                                wait 5 seconds
                                stop music with fadetime 1
                                wait 1.5 seconds
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_SHOCKWAVE
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_RISING
                                start music "volcano_music"
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,60}
                                wait 5 seconds
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time 3
                                move camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,90,90} time 5
                                wait 2 seconds
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time 3
                                move camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,170,130} time 6
				wait 8 seconds
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,40}
                                set camera roll -20 time -1
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_BUBBLING_LAVA
                                wait 8 seconds
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,40}
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_LAVA
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_ASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_SMOKE
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,80}
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_ROCK_SHOWER
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_SPAWN_ROCKS
                                wait 5 seconds
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,120,120}
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                                wait 2 seconds
                                set camera roll 0 time -1
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                              end cinema
                                disable predefined sky "volcano" time 5
				wait 50 seconds
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_ASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_SMOKE
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_END_ROCK_SHOWER
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_FALLING
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_BUBBLING_LAVA
				wait 10 seconds
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_LAVA
				wait 5 seconds
				delete oVolcano
				oVolcano = 1
			end if
			until oVolcano == 1
		end loop
		end if
	end if
end loop

end script VolcanoScript

You can also find it at: http://boards.lionhead.com/showthread.php?p=2116955#post2116955
Lol, it should be the same way as in the game ALT + S.  ???

Btw, forgot to comment on it earlier, but nice job on that script.

Just haven't had a chance to try it yet.
Kays said:
Lol, it should be the same way as in the game ALT + S.  ???

Btw, forgot to comment on it earlier, but nice job on that script.

Just haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Cheers for that Kays. Perhaps, i just thought now about trying the Ctrl+Print Screen or Alt+Print Screen
Just Print Screen works if you're running an image capture app in the background. Or Alt-Tab out of the game and use an imaging app.

The Alt+S method saves it to a folder as a .png somewhere in that profile's folder.
Kays said:
Just Print Screen works if you're running an image capture app in the background. Or Alt-Tab out of the game and use an imaging app.

The Alt+S method saves it to a folder as a .png somewhere in that profile's folder.

I found that when i DO do it in the game, it freezes the same way when taking a screenie. In the end you open something like word and do a special paste, it inserts the result of the "Print Screen", and unfortunately it only paste a pic of the challenge file. In my case Land2871.chl. Oh well, just a thought. :rolleyes
here's the better version for the cinematic volcano script. Enjoy!
define script VolcanoScript

begin script VolcanoScript

oTown = 0
vEpic = 0
oVolcano = 0
oVisual = 0
oVisual2 = 0
oVisual3 = 0
oVisual4 = 0


oTown = get town with id 0

begin loop
	oVolcano = 0
	if vEpic left clicked or vEpic right clicked
		wait 1 second
		if wonder in hand
		begin loop
			wait until wonder fire near hand position radius 0.5
				oVolcano = create volcano at hand position player 0
                             begin cinema
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time -1
                                move camera position to {oVolcano} time 5
                                wait 2 seconds
                                set fade red 255 green 255 blue 255 time 3
                                wait 3 seconds
                                set fade in time 1
                                start music "norse_chant_vocal"
                                set camera focus to {vEpic}+{0,10,0}
                                set camera position to {vEpic}+{25,10,5}
                                wait 5 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_1
                                wait 2 seconds
                                move camera focus to {vEpic}+{0,20,0} time 5
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{25,20,5} time 5
                                wait 2 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_2
                                wait 2 seconds
                                move camera focus to {vEpic}+{0,30,0} time 5
                                move camera position to {vEpic}+{25,30,5} time 5
                                enable predefined sky "volcano" time 5
                                wait 2 seconds
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_3
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_4
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_5
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_6
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_7
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_8
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_9
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_10
                                invoke vEpic EPIC_WONDER_STAGE_START_BEAM
                                wait 2.5 seconds
                                move camera focus to {vEpic}+{0,80,0} time 1
                                oVisual = create visual effect VISUAL_EFFECT_EPIC_VOLCANO_BEAM on vEpic time 1
                                oVisual2 = create visual effect VISUAL_EFFECT_EPIC_VOLCANO_BEAM_PULSE_UP on vEpic time 1
                                wait 2 seconds
                                set fade red 255 green 255 blue 255 time 3
                                wait 3 seconds
                                set fade in time 1
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,60,40}
                                wait 5 seconds
                                stop music with fadetime 1
                                wait 1.5 seconds
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_SHOCKWAVE
                                start music "volcano_music"
                                wait 0.5 seconds
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_RISING
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,90,60}
                                wait 5 seconds
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time 3
                                move camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,90,90} time 4
                                wait 1 second
                                move camera focus to {oVolcano} time 3
                                move camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,160,130} time 4
				wait 4.5 seconds
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,40}
                                set camera roll -20 time -1
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_BUBBLING_LAVA
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_LAVA
                                wait 8 seconds
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,40}
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_ASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_SMOKE
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                                set camera focus to {oVolcano}
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,80,80}
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_ROCK_SHOWER
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_SPAWN_ROCKS
                                wait 3 seconds
                                set camera position to {oVolcano}+{0,120,120}
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                                set camera roll 0 time -100
                                wait 2 seconds
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_EXPLOSION
                                invoke oVolcano EPIC_FLASH
                                wait 6 seconds
                              end cinema
                                disable predefined sky "volcano" time 5
				wait 30 seconds
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_ASH
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_SMOKE
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_END_ROCK_SHOWER
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_START_FALLING
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_BUBBLING_LAVA
				wait 10 seconds
				invoke oVolcano EPIC_STOP_LAVA
				wait 5 seconds
				delete oVolcano
		       end loop
		end if
	end if
end loop

end script VolcanoScript