Sorry another landscape editor problem


New member
Jul 6, 2005
hi sorry again but i finally got the editor to work thanks to kays help but now i got this problem.

i simply cant see the land im making, i just get a blue screen and a outline made of little blue lines in a grid of the land iv made.
i added a pik to show ya.  eny ideas?
Thanks for the pic. It looks like the textures aren't being rendered.

What's your graphics card?
im sorry i dont know how to find out but i belive its a avi, avd  or av somthing thing you know what i saying hopfully and 900 seires

sorry i cant rember how to find out havnt had to for years and sorry for late reply didnt expect a reply for a while so went to pub :P lol
Start >> Run >> type in dxdiag. The video card info in on the second tab.

If it's an ATI Radeon X900 then it should be able to handle it. If it's Intel, I don't know.

Did all of the files unpacked properly when you finally got the unstuffer to run?

That should pull it, if it all comes down to if you can play Black and White 2. I have the same max speed as you and a processor of 300 Mhz more than you. That puts me at an ATI FireGL 8800 video card, and an AMD Athlon XP 3200+ 2.2Ghz.
Not really. The landscape editor is very resource intensive. It's not capable of scaling back like the game is.

The 5200 is a low end card and I suspect that it's not capable of handling the graphics. Although it appears to be attempting to do so. One thing to try is to update the drivers for that card. Maybe that will help.