Skirmish or also called multiplayer is realeased 2007 so be :angel and :devil with all the creatures and experiment with them that is what im going to do to wait
yep a patch in 2007.. well i think skirmish will also come out in patch but multiplayer for sure. and yes 2007 i am sorry to bring this news but they might realeasre in 2006 if they can or have enough time
well erm you could just mod the game to remove the plot and use land 10 as a custom map *skirmish* after its scripts been edited to add villagers (ive read the land is empty of life so u gotta add some villages to) then someone will code a program to switch back and forth between plot and skirmish :laugh:
How do you know when the patch come out it's 2 years away so how do you know i think the black and white team at lionhead doesn't even know it :shocked