Pond Island


Active member
Mar 10, 2003
<div>« <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/index.php">Downloads Home</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/category.php?id=47">BW2 Downloads</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/category.php?id=72">BW2 Maps</a> :: <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/file.php?id=791">Pond Island</a> » « <a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="window.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="window.open('/files/index.php?action=readme&id=791','imagewindow','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');return false;" target="_self" title="">View The Readme</a> <img src="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/images/dl.gif" alt="" /> <a href="http://www.bwfiles.com/files/download.php?id=791" title="Download this file">Download this file</a> »</div>
<div style="float: left; padding-right: 4px;" align="right"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="window.status='Click For a Larger Image'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="window.open('/files/index.php?action=image&display=screenshots/pond_island.jpg','imagewindow','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');return false;" target="_self" title="Click For a Larger Image"><img src="/files/screenshots/thumbs/pond_island.jpg" border="0" alt="pond_island.jpg" title="Click For a Larger Image" hspace="10" /></a> </div>This is a basic skirmish map which has a number of cities and settlements for you to conquer.<hr />The walled cities will grow over time and are tasked with defending the unwalled towns. In your starting area are three settlements which will spawn an indigenious patrol that will harass you until all three settlements are captured. This map features basic platoon AI which will patrol and protect their assigned areas and cities. I have also included Kalev's FPS script and as well as harmonixer 's epic miracle and invincible guy script. Epic miracles will be available to you once your town reaches 150 in population and tribute to research the few remaining items can be obtained by capturing the various towns or by throwing the invincible guy around. This map does start with creature selection of the 5 creatures available and the main Aztec town has a Gorilla as a pet.
where to put 'buildcities.txt'? i do not see it in the readme. is it an important file?
That file is not required. It is there for referance only.

The only .txt file you need to add is map.txt
hey....i downloaded the file and i didn't get a readme so i kinda dont know where to put everything???
Thanks, that has been corrected

The is a link to view the readme in the info box for the file.