well i was thinking how u evil and neutraul gods would resolve in combat or a little good and evil?like building up for imigrants and then makea massive army perhaps?
Being Nuetral and all I'd have to say most people would fight eachother over me. So in my opinion I'd build up my population and immigrints for a massive army and if needed incase of loss......I will have my creature trained to sacrafice half my people in emergency for pryer power and use Island destruction power. IF I'M NOT GONNA WIN NO ONE WILL!!! MEWHAHAHAHA!!!!!
oh... gods can die.... haven't you seen certain movies and played games like Jade Empire... apparently being a god does not make you immortal.
But if you think of it in how they portrayed gods in black and white 1... you are born from a prayer... which means you are a thought. If you were to run out of followers and people who believed/thought of you on a regular basis... technically you would blink out of existance.
I guess you're more.... erased than killed though.
i know we can die which is a shame but the enemy wont stand a chance agains a 10ft or more creatore or less
or even a god like us we can just blast em away throw a rock at them well we could meby lose
if on the last isle a 10000000000000 aztec army come chargin at us and we have like a 1000
army and a creature than we wont stand a chance if that did happen it would be a big challenge
but than if that did happen why dont we just do the epic miracle siren we would have a massive army :yourock: :yourock:
Persoanally I'd rather make them akknowledge my existance as peaceful and ferioucios. Heal them when needed but make them on worshipping edge.....knowing slacking will bring suffering....such as poisioned food.....Since this counts as a nuetral deed (found this out from experience lol).