Making him bigger


New member
Aug 3, 2003
Ok i made my creature bigger changing the 11.5 thing in the balance script. but when he attacks soldiers he doesnt seem 2 b able 2 kill many. is there away 2 make him kill as many as he could wen he was small
Yep, make him small again :p

This seems to be the problem with making your creature larger and I don't think they found a fix for it yet.

There's a thread on this in the modding forum. Keep an eye on it to see if they solved that problem.
but if you make your creature bigger you must make some room in your town then Bump (i think)
Yes, I tried that mod out for size (literally). It works, and I doubled what he would usually grow to. But, the drawbacks so far are that he sometimes can't navigate through a large and well-built city, and he can't accurately hit enemy platoons with trees or his ground-based smash, stomp and swipe attacks.

However, if you are prepaired to make your town less-cramped, then he should have no problem walking around... and as for platoons, well, get him the fireball and/or lightning miricles. Those hit, and wipe out just about everything. xD