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New member
Dec 21, 2005
Hello, its jackmix(or jackmix69), with a new mod. Alot of people already know how to do this themselves, but a few people dont. I like having my mods on sites, so Here is a link for a creature size mod.


Also, if you want a super miracles mod, I can make that too....oh, and the link will expire in 5 or 6 days, so if u want it, take it ASAP. Oh, and if u want more mods, post ideas here too....here are my ideas for mods....

Unused Model Mod: Replaces all player models to unused ones

Immortal Guy Mod: Change the Immortal Guy to someone else(soldier, aztec bad guy, etc.)

Super Miracles: Make all Miracles super strong

Epic Audio Mod: Changes Volcano chant and music to you(the god) talking, threatining the enemy, then for music, you hear the god chanting.

Feel free 2 post more ideas!
Thanks, I've downloaded it and added it to our BW2 files.

Sorry to do this again, but your submit file thing was being weird, it says I cant send it because it's being weird, and it's saying its not a .zip file when it is. Anyway, here is the super miracles mod. Enjoy!

I just made my first skin! Put it on your site, from this link!

The reason it wouldn't accept that file is because of the extra dot in the file name. I'll change that error mesage to reflect that.

Got the files uploaded: :)

Divine Miracles
Tiger skin

That's a nice looking tiger skin. Have you got a name for it? ???
I call it, Jackmix69's Tiger Skins!
Good Tiger Race Name: Celestial Tiger
Evil Tiger Race Name: Evil Entity Tiger!
Someone stop me, Im a modding\skinning monster!

Epic Audio Mod: http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0M2ZNE7DSLY9O2RGKYBGZTXDD0
Immortal Guy Mod: http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3S2JSQI3VFBJN1UZEZ2FPPMCUU
Blood Wolf Skin: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2AFKJALH7NST321OHIPE33E5HK
(in case u didn't get this)
Good Advisor Skins: http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2BW23C8WSDY8Y27IO9I3SEYHHX

PS: Some reputation would be nice....
Made another epic audio! for earthquake this time!

Zero Gravity Villager Mod!


PS: Sorry 2 overwhelm u with links :p


Fixed Miracles Mod, shield was crashing the game on some peoples cpu's

PS: I think your page is glitchy....starting to not project things correctly
I've got them all added.

As well I've replaced the file for the miracles mod.

Btw, what do you mean by the page is glitchy?
Nevermind, just my internet being slow :;):

Anyway, made another new version of my divine miracles mod, and my new update on the wonders

Check out wonders here


Still not done with the wonders, here is the new version of divine miracles


For more, go to the lionhead forums on modding, and go to my thread, new mods by jackmix(69) and see if anything is new