Just started mapping


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Well I found my old B&W2 disc tucked away and decided to give it a go again. After beating the campaign for the umpteenth time  Idecided to play with the world editor and surprised myself quite a bit!

This is my FIRST try. Full credit has to go to Kays tutorial though. Without it I would have been completely lost.





I know it's a little late to get into customizing this game but I thought i'd give it a go anyhow. It's a pity that the modding community abandoned this game but... sometimes it must be done. The next map I make is going to be slightly more epic in scale... this was just a taste =)
Hi, welcome to our forums. :)

Nice looking landscape. Glad to see people are still interested in creating them.

Have you found the generic .chl file which I wrote so you play your map?

:) thats great. i remember my first try and it was nowhere near as good as that. keep it up.

edit1:oh, and welcome to the forums. :p
Hi, downoad this file. The instuctions to use it are in the readme.txt file

Nice work!
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one getting to the party late.
I'll try to get some shots of my W.I.P up later tonight.
Still working on textures and scripts so it's not going to be "done" for a while.
I'm trying to stay focused... but I've also got the UDK to mess with...
B&W2 is a lot of fun though, and the mod tools are pretty cool.
I hope to see more of your maps, and I also hope to see some others get into it (or back into it).
Thanks for the link Kays, finally got to play on it. I'm starting on a new project when I get back to school after spring break. I plan on spending at least a week constructing the most epic map I can think of. I'm currently a student at the University of Central Florida in the game design program and several of my professors actually recommended using the map-making tools in Black and White to get a solid feel for level design. I'll try to do you all proud!
Looking forward to seeing your next creation. :)

I'm currently a student at the University of Central Florida in the game design program and several of my professors actually recommended using the map-making tools in Black and White to get a solid feel for level design

That's interesting to know.