I've got it and I'm impressed


Active member
Mar 10, 2003
So far that is.. :D

The US version comes in 4 CDs which take forever to load. I've just gone thought the creature select and hand movement tutorial.

They've improved the mouse controls using the middle button for rotate, camera angle as well as zoom. 
Also, the graphics are stunning and creature movement is so much more realistic.

My system is an Athlon 2500+,  Radeon 9750 vid card, 1 GB of memory and it's running fine at 1024x768 at high detail.

Everything your hand comes near reacts. When you run your hand through the trees they move the same with the grass. :D
I would also like to announce....

IGOTIT IGOTIT IGOTIT...! AH! :woot :woot :woot :woot

its installing now so i have no opinion so far

I got it a while ago...
*Glares with envy*

Mine hasn't even dispatched yet :( .  Although it is the Collectors Edition so I imagine I won't be getting my mits on it until next week.  Ah well........
You know i looked at FotDs screens and the graphics are nowhere as good as i thought they would and nowhere as good as they were shown on all the movies  :bangheadand another thing that really irked me was that .....THE GOOD CONCIENCE HAS A FACE YOU COULD SCARE SMALL CHILDREN WITH!!!!!!! :shocked It`s soooo ugly! :cry :angry
I don't know what video card FotD's got but I think that the graphics are quite stunning. I've added a few screenshots to my GAllery also.

There does appear to be a grahics problem when zoomed close in. But the patch should address this, I hope.
i think it does and i should have the game either tomorrow or by saturday so im hoping, i just updated my grpahic card drivers (its a intel 82845G) and even if intel wasnt listed on the bnw2 friendly list it will work one way or the other :angry: on the video of choosing a creature (it was in japanese text which just goes to show they always get everything first!) and i noticed they somewhat copied the beginning of the first game what with the outer universe and all that. im still curious what happened to the old us after becoming the only god in the land :shocked
I got mine working today.. I'm quite impressed also.

In the near future, I will be making some videos of the game.

I also run the game on High settings with no problems.

AMD Athlon XP 2400+
GeForce FX 5900XT
Tell me if I should upgrade anything please...

P4 3ghz
1 Gig ram
Radeon 9600xt 128mb ddr

I know it should run fine, but I want it to run great. :)
If you want it to run really great.. You would want to look into a 64 bit cpu and a x800 and higher or a 6600 and higher video card.

But... Your current specs look fine and you'll be able to run the game on high with good performance.
You should be alright with those specs Shiny. :yes
yep way better than mine.
yay i finnaly got my copyim on land 4 with the norse homeland im staying on this land to build a massive army.
(trying to purchase siege weapons)