If you started a new game what creature would you pick? plz post


New member
Mar 22, 2008
i would either pick the tiger or the wolf, i'm just wondering what other people think is the best creature.
I replaced the cow with the turtle, so i always pick the turtle.
other than that... I think id pick the lion.
My last creature was a Wolf, so probably the Lion.
Wolf had nasty habits of howling in the middle of combat, next time I would probably go Cow or Ape or maybe Wolf again.
Depends. If I'm going to play as good then the Cow can't be beat. Evil? Either the Ape for his strength (good for gorilla tactics) or the Lion for speed and good usability.

Yea  i love  my cows  :blush  and Moo my Cow buddy  :blush
Actually my tastes have changed....

Ape or Lion usually...

I like evil of both.  :laugh2 (((Evil Laughter )))
Either wolf or cow is what I usually pick.

Usually wolf, but the cow creature is awesome.
I like the wolf cuz of his agility, I also like the Tiger or Lion. But i don't really like the Cow and Ape. Also the Cow is slow-moving. The Ape's okay, he's just ugly.
i would pick a lion cos i like the idea of a good lion defending my town lulz :angel
Wolf, Lion, Or tiger.
I like wolves but it isn't the only creature I like. Lions and tigers are pretty cool... And I'd only pick the lion if I didnt have the tiger unlocker.
I always chose the wolf (pwnage) or the cow (comical) :(

BW1 had a better selection though, so maybe I'm just sulking over that by refusing to try anything else!
:D I really like my Tiger aye.. I always start with him  :yes

but My gf started with a tiger and now she is starting with the cow.. lolz