I Need A Little modding/tutorial Help.


New member
Dec 15, 2010
When I play the game the enemy never has enough troops and does not attack enough, I want huge wars darn it! So, what I want (Please) to know, is how to change the AI, so during the campaign, or really any map I play, the enemy is either more likely to build troops, and/or dose so far more often, and is more likely to attack, sort of change their priorities to war, and getting war resources.  I have looked every ware and no one else has done this in mod or explanation, so I would like to know how to do it myself.

Please, (If Possible) tell me which row across to change, and/or what the values represent, or even give me a link to want I need to know.
I'm not a modder myself, so I don't have a direct answer to your question.  But I do recall that some of the other members who've been on here worked on maps where the enemy AI was more aggressive.  Not sure if you could apply that the the levels in the actual game though as these changes were made for new maps and the scripts associated to them.  As the scripts for the actual B&W2 Lands are unavailable to us (I think), we can't modify those.

The best you could hope for is to find those scripts (and possibly some test lands) to try and build up some maps yourself.

If I recall, a lot of the development on the God AI was done for the OGAM project (still in development), so have a search around for that.

Kays and Daxter would know a lot more about this than me, but they're not on as much these days.
sllyyywisskerrss don't give up man i mean if all you can do is magically spawn 1000 enemy soldiers on the map reptitively i would download it, any war mod u complete i would love to try out man, i personally can't use mod tools cause vistas not all that great :P but if u can get the wars it Black & White 2 any bigger let us know :) i'm rooting for ya
Yes, as pat said the current AI for BnW2 was built at home station when Lionhead was developing black and white 2 which may show for its lack of purpose of fuctionality. Scripting can be fairly difficult at first, however it does become a lot easier the more you do it, there are a lot of tutorials around you might be able to source from such as planet black and white (cant remember the link sorry) of by taking a look at other people's custom maps and try to take things from there and mix and match to understand how it works.

I don't really have that much time myself these days but good luck if you ever become a good scripter/modder.  :)