How to create resources in script?


Nov 10, 2007
Though it might seem simple, i cannot see how to create piles of food, for instance, in a script. There only seems to be the option to add food to a storehouse. However, when i'm playing the campaign i start with piles of food, wood and ore near my town centre, so they must have been created.
Can any good scriptr enlighten me on this? :)
i'm no scripter, but as far as i know they can only appear at the town centres. i recall seeing a resource counter on the map editor, and i remember that it went up to 20,000 of each resource.
Unfortunately you can only change the resource values if you have a storehouse, meaning the food must be scripted to appear at the town centre, hmm...
Could this work
Create a small building, set built % to 0 , subtract enough from its ypos to move just under ground where the player can't see it , the add resources to it?
<necro apology!>

The piles of food wood and ore at the town centre are concidered part of the town gather point, the same as was in BW1 - when there is no storehouse, it will be placed there.

You can add the food / wood value to the town centre, I believe. - It's worth a try, leader. :p