Help on land 5


New member
Oct 18, 2005
Hey everybody its me again! I seem to be having trouble gathering ore on Land 5. it seems that when the ore mine in my influnce tring runs out the nearest one is in the enemy's territory and the problem is that the only way i can gain acces to that Ore is by conquering the city but I'm a good god so thats agianst my law. the other way I've tried is by sending in my creature to gather it but he always gets killed by these massive armies of archers, he usually takes a good amount withhim to the grave though. so If some one can tell me where any safe Ore mines are on Land 5 then that'd be wonderful.
Your villager should find ore. Albeit a bit slowly.

If that's the first Japanese Land. Way across the island is a village you can take by force which has a good ore supply. If you check the military objectives, you'll see that doing a night attack will gain you tribute.

Don't really know of a non-evil way to get ore. And there are times you just have to use force.

Plus it's fun. :D
If  you are  good just keep imressing the cities they should give some ore they have gathered i wonder when you take a emty city you get same evil points as taking a city with poplouation
well its impossible to take over a city with no one in it there for no evil points
if you are up to modifying files you can find GameBalanceResourceGeneral.txt inside data/balance folder and change

DEFAULT 0.003 1 10 40 100 0 0 0


DEFAULT 0.003 1 10 9999999 100 0 0 0

the 9999999 are the size of the virtual influence.

virtual influence is the distance you can work over the green influence ring.

you will notice the further you get outside the ring the lower the pitch of the tone gets

the default amount is 40.

if you have applied the carrying capacity hack to the villagers you can drop a villager into the enemy mines and wait for them to come out with the ore and pick them up and bring  them back and reassign them to another job like farmer and collect the ore.

just make sure then not to touch the enemy influence ring or you lose your influence.

also there are some ore rocks on top of the mountain near your village and around the mines you can bring them back.

a faster way to gather ore or wood is to take a small amount of ore or wood to the source and drop it and then drop the ore rocks onto the small pile and collect up to 20000 ore and bring it back.

the same with wood drop trees onto a pile of wood.