Finishing/Playing a landscape.


Active member
Mar 10, 2003
If you're making a landscape. Here a list of little details to help finish it.

Register a land number.
Although it's not critical if you only intend to use the map yourself. However, if you plan to distribute your landscape, you should request a set of land numbers here. This is to ensure that all the land numbers on published maps are unique

Create a challenge (.chl) file
This is required if you wish to play your landscape. If you are into scripting and can use the compiler, more information on usage as well as scripts can be found in our Script Library. If not, a pre-compiled script which should work on most player made landscapes can be found here.

Set a default camera position
Is your starting postion in the water in a corner of the map? To change that, in the editor, bring the camera to a position over your island pointing at your main town. Or the creature select position. Then under "Settings" in the menu bar select "Set Default Camera Position" to set it.

Set the land number in the .bwe file
Open the .bwe file for your landscape with a text editor such as Notepad (Data\landscapes\BW2 folder). Ensure that the land number in the second line is that of that your landscape.

Name your towns
If you want proper town names to appear. They need to be added to the .bwe file manually. Again, open the .bwe file with a text editor. Under the "CREATE_TOWN" line for each town add the following line:
SET_TOWN_NAME([color=red]1[/color], "[color=green]BW2T_PLACENAMES_NORSECITY_12[/color]")

Change the "1" to the number for that town. Just look at the above "CREATE_TOWN"  line for that.
To change the town name, first download Dero's BW2LHTS Editor. Unzip it and place the .exe file in the Tools\Compiler folder. Run it and find the text strngs starting with "BW2T_PLACENAMES". Then, change "BW2T_PLACENAMES_NORSECITY_12" to the text string for the town name you wish to use.

I think that this covers most of the small details. Let me know if I've missed anything.
Bumped :yes really helped me everyone should register some numbers keeps it clean and thinks of free numbers. Thank you Kays.  :laugh: