Doom Coliseum


Nov 10, 2007
<div>« <a href="">Downloads Home</a> :: <a href="">BW2 Downloads</a> :: <a href="">BW2 Maps</a> :: <a href="">Doom Coliseum</a> » « <a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="window.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="'/files/index.php?action=readme&id=1151','imagewindow','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');return false;" target="_self" title="">View The Readme</a> <img src="" alt="" /> <a href="" title="Download this file">Download this file</a> »</div>
<div style="float: left; padding-right: 4px;" align="right"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onmouseover="window.status='Click For a Larger Image'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="'/files/index.php?action=image&display=screenshots2/coliseum.jpg','imagewindow','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes');return false;" target="_self" title="Click For a Larger Image"><img src="/files/screenshots2/thumbs/coliseum.jpg" border="0" alt="coliseum.jpg" title="Click For a Larger Image" hspace="10" /></a> </div>There exists an ancient coliseum in the realm that mortals refer to as "The Void". Here, the slain gods wreak their revenge on the lost souls of mortals and creatures. For aeons the gladiators of the arena have spilt their blood for the amusement of the enraged gods. Now, it is your turn to enter the coliseum of doom!
<hr />________________________________________________________________________


There exists an ancient coliseum in the realm that mortals refer to as "The Void". Here,
the slain gods wreak their revenge on the lost souls of mortals and creatures. For aeons
the gladiators of the arena have spilt their blood for the amusement of the enraged gods.
Now, it is your turn to enter the coliseum of doom!

A range of different, bloody challenges and features to tempt you in the coliseum

::: Creature sparring - Your creature must battle 5 increasingly tougher creatures to claim
victory and spare his soul. After winning a round, your creature will be healed roughly 50%

::: Unholy wars
A choice of 3 different types of war in the arena
- The 1000 Men War - Your 500 warriors must slaughter the 500 opposing warriors to win.
- Gorilla's Wrath - Your creature must defeat 300 bloodthirsty soldiers without healing
to win. He possesses all miracles (except heal) to deal with the aggressors.
- Unholy Judgement - Destroy the army with all your godly might before they destroy your

::: City of the damned - A sandbox mode with infinite resources, global influence, and
every building available. Create your evil, apocalyptic metropolis!

::: Hold 5 keys down at the same time to form a special
word that unlocks a secret feature. Anagram: OVHAC

- Q for quit - press the Q key to quit the challenge you're in the middle of.

- R for reset - after continuing on this map the sky will reset itself to the blue sky.
Press the R key to change the sky back to the Doom Coliseum sky.

- Keys 1-5 to listen to 5 bone-chilling music tracks.

- Backspace to stop any music playing.
Enjoy! Oh just a side note, you have to right click the scrolls, not left click them as per usual. I'm not sure why this is! Any questions or opinions are welcome  :)
Very well done. You people continue to amaze me. Many thanks for an awsome (and EVIL!) map.
A problem has been fixed regarding town deletion now, so that's all done and dusted :) By the way, it may be pretty difficult to get your people to breed, so try and change the time of day yourself to promote breeding. I found it quite difficult to build up a population before my people died of old age, but thats because i built up my city first and left them to get old :P
WOW. :shocked
i actually dreamt about something like this. 
:yourock: :yourock: :yourock:
Glad you like it :) It should be updated soon by Kays and the problem with town deletion will be fixed. Has anyone found out what the secret word is yet? :p
Nice going :) Have you tried it yet? I changed it from type the word to hold 5 keys down at the same time to form the word, as when i was renaming people on the naming fountain, eventually IT happened and my city wasn't too well  :rolleyes Built any evil capitals yet? :)
I do that :) It's quite hard to get your people to breed. What you need to do is make half of your 30 initial people breeders, build a tavern and a few nurseries near the houses, and turn the time to night. Then your people will start to breed. I have a huge evil city with a population of 2,000  :D
I'm unclear as to how to actually -play- the map. All of your installers work fine when I change the batch file to point to my BnW directory, so that's not really the issue. Thanks in advance. ^_^
How does this work? I mean, do you download it, play B&W2 and find yourself there, or do you have to do something to go there?
Sooooo how exactly do I play this? Theres absolutely no trees for one, the only thing my storehouse has is food, so I can't build anything, and when I click on the scrolls nothing happens
Try clicking the scroll with the other mouse button. I think it says you use the right mouse button in the readme.