wouldve thought it would have to stay in landscapes/bw2 folder, even if you do adjust your map.txt accordingly.
dont think every map needs a .wal although i cant remember what the file relates to. (paths perhaps?)
The .wal file is not necessary. The game would not crash from lack of it, unless the map specifies that it should exist.
1) Did you change the name of the files after saving the file from the landscape editor (in other words, changed the filenames outside of the landscape editor)?
2) Is this a modified version of a map that already existed?
If either of these are true, it may be that the names of files are speified incorrectly inside the .bwe file. Open the .bwe file in a text editor and look at the first 5-15 lines of the file. Check for commands like "LOAD_LANDSCAPE" and "LOAD_WALLS". Make sure the file names and paths are correct (paths are relative to the Black and White 2 root folder). If the filenames or paths are not correct, fix them and save the file. If you don't have walls, but there is a "LOAD_WALLS" command, just remove it.
3) Are you running a script on the map?
If so, and if the script is not too long, post the script.
Compile and use this script on the map. See if it works correctly. If the map still crashes with this script, the map files are to blame. If it does not crash, the script is to blame:
run script BasicScript
begin script BasicScript
wait 1 seconds
disable load screen
set fade in time 4
end script BasicScript