// Start AI
run script bimNewBimbo(oTown)
run script bimNewBimbo(1Town)
run script bimNewBimbo(2Town)
# Script: geMoveToObject(GodHandle,rObject)
# -----------------------------------------
# Desc: Causes the god hand to move to desired object.
# Params: GodHandle - Valid handle for an existing god instance.
# rObject - Object in the game you want god hand to move to.
# Script: gePickupResource(GodHandle,rResourceObject,rResourceType,ResourceQuantity)
# -----------------------------------------
# Desc: Causes the god hand to move to resource object and pick up a quantity. If god is already
# holding a resource of a different type, the first resource will disappear. (ex. if god is
# holding food, and you go pick up ore, the food will disappear.)
# Params: GodHandle - Valid handle for an existing god instance.
# rResourceObject - Object containing resource (storehouse, tree, ore rock, construction site)
# rResourceType - Member of GE Resource Type enum (ex. GE_HT_ORE)
# ResourceQuantity - Desired quantity to pick up (-1 for all in object)
while townDesire >= bim_MaxDesireToStopResource and SCRIPT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_TYPE_BUILT_PERCENTAGE of myStorehouse >= 1.0 and myTree exists
run script gePickupResource(godHandle,myTree,GE_HT_WOOD,-1)
run script geDropInStorehouse(godHandle,myStorehouse,-1)
townDesire = get rTown desire TOWN_DESIRE_FOR_WOOD
myTree = get SCRIPT_OBJECT_TYPE_TREE at {rTown} radius bim_ResourceGatherRadius
end while
GE Bimbo starts by making disciples, then it checks to see if there's anything to build or any town desires to satisfy (wood, ore, food) and it uses some miracles like water to water fields and put out fires.Smellis said:just had a go on greenpatch with GE and i didnt see much action does it do more than just make disciples and fly through their own buildings (destroying them)?