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Found it on the web so all credit goes to Xblade but its really helpfull
1. Double-click on it,choose your BotG shortcut.
2. If you havent already figuired out they hot keys do I'll tell you:
ctrl+numpad 1 is infinite ore
ctrl+numpad 2 is infinite wood
ctrl+numpad 3 is infinite mana and what the mana lvl.
ctrl+numpad 4 is infinite food
3. Just use the hotkeys in game and your ready to go.
Found it on the web so all credit goes to Xblade but its really helpfull
1. Double-click on it,choose your BotG shortcut.
2. If you havent already figuired out they hot keys do I'll tell you:
ctrl+numpad 1 is infinite ore
ctrl+numpad 2 is infinite wood
ctrl+numpad 3 is infinite mana and what the mana lvl.
ctrl+numpad 4 is infinite food
3. Just use the hotkeys in game and your ready to go.