Board Necromancer
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- Aug 20, 2010
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So here's the Deal; I would like to implement new scripts such as FPS, Lava or what have you into the Pre Existing Black & White 2 Campaign lands.
I elaborate on this post to ensure that there are no misinterpretations or misunderstandings.
The way that I can imagine myself being capable of accomplishing the task of implementing a custom script such as FPS into the Campaign is by making the Script and then Pointing it to the proper land.
I then make this point to Land1.chl
1. How would I do this?
2. Would this method work for all of the Lands?
I am just returning to BW2 and I have never done this before, so any veterans that might be around in the dust or something... I would greatly appreciate your help.
I elaborate on this post to ensure that there are no misinterpretations or misunderstandings.
The way that I can imagine myself being capable of accomplishing the task of implementing a custom script such as FPS into the Campaign is by making the Script and then Pointing it to the proper land.
define TEST_MOVE_SPEED = 1.5
//define TEST_MOVE_SPEED = 5.0
define TEST_NO_TURN_WIDTH = 0.07
define TEST_NO_PITCH_HEIGHT = 0.125
define TEST_MAX_PITCH_SPEED = 0.125
define TEST_GRAVITY = 0.5
// Miracle cost
define HEAL_COST = 100
define FIRE_COST = 100
define METEOR_COST = 100
define WIND_COST = 100
define WATER_COST = 100
define LIGHTNING_COST = 100
global Avatar = 1
// Kalev's First Person Shooter Script.
// - Modified by Serdan.
// Features:
// # Obstacle Detection.
// # Casting miracles costs mana.
// # The Avatar can be killed.
// # FPS mode can only be activated inside the player's influence.
// # Miracles have to be bought before they can be cast in FPS mode.
// # The above features can be switched on/off.
// Key Map:
// # Switch between FPS and God mode: T
// # Fire weapon: LMB
// # Jump: RMB and Space
// # Move: WASD and Arrows.
// # Fireball: 1
// # Lightning: 2
// # Meteor: 3
// # Wind: 4
// # Water: 5
// # Heal: E
// List of parameters. Variables that start with 'b' are booleans. ON: 1 / OFF: 0
// - fCooldown: Forced delay between miracles cast. If you set this to 1.0 you can hold down the fire button without lagging your PC to Hell.
// - bObstacle: Obstacle Detection.
// - bManaCost: Should the miracles require mana to be cast by the Avatar?
// - bAvatar: Should the Avatar die from wading through lava? // Can't be turned off here. Remove from code manually. Line: 297
// - bInfluence: Is influence required to turn into the Avatar?
// - bResearch: Will miracles have to be researched before they can be used by the Avatar?
begin script KalevFPS(fCooldown, bObstacle, bManaCost, bAvatar, bInfluence, bResearch)
CurrentFocusRotation = 0
CurrentFocusRelativeHeight = 0
TurnAmount = 0
TurnHotArea = 0
CameraLoc = 0
CameraFoc = 0
OnGround = 0
CurrentYVelocity = 0
CameraAltitude = 0
PrevCameraHeight = 0
CameraHeight = 0
PrevCameraLoc = 0
NewCameraLoc = 0
WaterHeight = 0
// Location of exit area.
//ExitX = 2015.31
//ExitZ = 678.56
// The minimum distance the player has to be from the specified exit.
//ExitDis = 20.0
//Weapon Variables
Weapon = 0
CurrentWeapon = 0
Fire = 1
Wind = 2
Lightning = 3
Meteor = 4
Water = 5
Heal = 6
Shield = 7
Mana = 0
// Cooldown on miracles. Next up: A different cooldown for each miracle?
tCooldown = create timer for 0 seconds
//fCooldown = 1.0
wait until key KB_T down
if bInfluence == 0 or get player 0 influence at camera position > 0
wait 0.2 seconds
WaterHeight = get water height
Avatar = create random villager of tribe TRIBE_TYPE_GREEK at camera position
set Avatar player 0
disable Avatar pickup
disable Avatar can be fisted
disable Avatar interactable
begin cinema
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_FIRE_FIRE available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Fire
say single line "Weapon: Fire!"
CurrentWeapon = 0
end if
begin loop
CameraLoc = marker at camera position
if OnGround == 0
CameraAltitude = get SCRIPT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_TYPE_YPOS of CameraLoc
CameraAltitude += CurrentYVelocity
CurrentYVelocity -= TEST_GRAVITY
elsif key KB_SPACE down or mouse right button down
OnGround = 0
end if
TurnAmount = mouse percentage across
TurnHotArea = (1 - TEST_NO_TURN_WIDTH)/2
if TurnAmount < TurnHotArea
CurrentFocusRotation += (1 - (TurnAmount / TurnHotArea)) * TEST_MAX_TURN_SPEED
elsif TurnAmount > 1 - TurnHotArea
CurrentFocusRotation -= (1 - ((1 - TurnAmount) / TurnHotArea)) * TEST_MAX_TURN_SPEED
end if
TurnAmount = mouse percentage down
TurnHotArea = (1 - TEST_NO_PITCH_HEIGHT)/2
if TurnAmount < TurnHotArea
CurrentFocusRelativeHeight -= (1 - (TurnAmount / TurnHotArea)) * TEST_MAX_PITCH_SPEED
elsif TurnAmount > 1 - TurnHotArea
CurrentFocusRelativeHeight += (1 - ((1 - TurnAmount) / TurnHotArea)) * TEST_MAX_PITCH_SPEED
end if
if (CurrentFocusRelativeHeight < -1 * TEST_MAX_PITCH_AMOUNT) CurrentFocusRelativeHeight = -1 * TEST_MAX_PITCH_AMOUNT end if
if (CurrentFocusRelativeHeight > TEST_MAX_PITCH_AMOUNT) CurrentFocusRelativeHeight = TEST_MAX_PITCH_AMOUNT end if
PrevCameraLoc = CameraLoc
PrevCameraHeight = CameraAltitude + land height at {CameraLoc}
if key KB_W down or key KB_UP down
NewCameraLoc = marker at get target from {CameraLoc} + {1,0,0} to {CameraLoc} distance TEST_MOVE_SPEED angle CurrentFocusRotation
if bObstacle == 0 or Avatar can navigate to {NewCameraLoc}
CameraLoc = NewCameraLoc
end if
elsif key KB_S down or key KB_DOWN down
NewCameraLoc = marker at get target from {CameraLoc} + {-1,0,0} to {CameraLoc} distance TEST_MOVE_SPEED angle CurrentFocusRotation
if bObstacle == 0 or Avatar can navigate to {NewCameraLoc}
CameraLoc = NewCameraLoc
end if
end if
if key KB_A down or key KB_LEFT down
NewCameraLoc = marker at get target from {CameraLoc} + {0,0,1} to {CameraLoc} distance TEST_MOVE_SPEED angle CurrentFocusRotation
if bObstacle == 0 or Avatar can navigate to {NewCameraLoc}
CameraLoc = NewCameraLoc
end if
elsif key KB_D down or key KB_RIGHT down
NewCameraLoc = marker at get target from {CameraLoc} + {0,0,-1} to {CameraLoc} distance TEST_MOVE_SPEED angle CurrentFocusRotation
if bObstacle == 0 or Avatar can navigate to {NewCameraLoc}
CameraLoc = NewCameraLoc
end if
end if
CameraHeight = CameraAltitude + land height at {CameraLoc}
if CameraHeight < TEST_MIN_ALTITUDE + WaterHeight
CameraAltitude = TEST_MIN_ALTITUDE + WaterHeight - land height at {CameraLoc}
OnGround = 1
elsif OnGround == 0
CameraAltitude = PrevCameraHeight - land height at {CameraLoc}
if CameraAltitude < TEST_MIN_ALTITUDE
CameraAltitude = TEST_MIN_ALTITUDE
if CurrentYVelocity < 0
OnGround = 1
end if
end if
elsif land height at {CameraLoc} < WaterHeight
CameraAltitude = TEST_MIN_ALTITUDE + WaterHeight - land height at {CameraLoc}
elsif (land height at {CameraLoc}) - (land height at {PrevCameraLoc}) > TEST_WALL_HEIGHT
CameraLoc = PrevCameraLoc
end if
CameraFoc = marker at get target from {CameraLoc} + {1,0,0} to {CameraLoc} distance 1 angle CurrentFocusRotation
set camera position to {CameraLoc}
set camera focus to {CameraFoc}
set Avatar position to {CameraLoc}
set Avatar focus to {CameraFoc}
// Change weapon according to key pressed.
if key KB_1 down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_FIRE_FIRE available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Fire
say single line "Weapon: Fire!"
end if
elsif key KB_2 down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_WATER_STORM available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Lightning
say single line "Weapon: Lightning!"
end if
elsif key KB_3 down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_EARTH_METEOR available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Meteor
say single line "Weapon: Meteor!"
end if
elsif key KB_4 down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_AIR_TEMPEST available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Wind
say single line "Weapon: Wind!"
end if
elsif key KB_5 down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_WATER_RAIN available == 2
CurrentWeapon = Water
say single line "Weapon: Water!"
end if
end if
if get tCooldown time remaining <= 0
Mana = get player 0 mana
// Fire selected weapon
if mouse left button down
if CurrentWeapon == Fire
if bManaCost == 0 or FIRE_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 throw miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_FIRE from {CameraLoc} heading TEST_FIREBALL_VELOCITY * ({CameraFoc} - {CameraLoc})
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-FIRE_COST
end if
end if
elsif CurrentWeapon == Lightning
if bManaCost == 0 or LIGHTNING_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 throw miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_STORM from {CameraLoc} heading TEST_FIREBALL_VELOCITY * ({CameraFoc} - {CameraLoc})
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-LIGHTNING_COST
end if
end if
elsif CurrentWeapon == Meteor
if bManaCost == 0 or METEOR_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 throw miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_METEOR from {CameraLoc} heading TEST_FIREBALL_VELOCITY * ({CameraFoc} - {CameraLoc})
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-METEOR_COST
end if
end if
elsif CurrentWeapon == Wind
if bManaCost == 0 or WIND_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 throw miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_TORNADO from {CameraLoc} heading TEST_FIREBALL_VELOCITY * ({CameraFoc} - {CameraLoc})
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-WIND_COST
end if
end if
elsif CurrentWeapon == Water
if bManaCost == 0 or WATER_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 throw miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_WATER from {CameraLoc} heading TEST_FIREBALL_VELOCITY * ({CameraFoc} - {CameraLoc})
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-WATER_COST
end if
end if
end if
end if
if key KB_E down
if bResearch == 0 or get research ARTEFACT_MAGIC_TYPE_LIFE_HEAL available == 2
if bManaCost == 0 or HEAL_COST <= Mana
Weapon = make player 0 pour miracle MIRACLE_TYPE_HEAL at {CameraLoc}
if bManaCost == 0
set player 0 mana Mana-HEAL_COST
end if
end if
end if
end if
set tCooldown time to fCooldown seconds
end if
// Exit FPS mode when the "T" button is pressed.
until key KB_T down or key KB_ESC down or get SCRIPT_OBJECT_PROPERTY_TYPE_HEALTH of Avatar < 0.2
// To use this comment out the other exception and uncomment this one. Variables can be specified in the variable list.
//until get distance from camera position to {ExitX,ExitZ} <= ExitDis
end loop
end cinema
delete Avatar
end if
wait 0.2 seconds
run background script KalevFPS(fCooldown, bObstacle, bManaCost, bAvatar, bInfluence, bResearch)
end script KalevFPS
I then make this point to Land1.chl
1. How would I do this?
2. Would this method work for all of the Lands?
I am just returning to BW2 and I have never done this before, so any veterans that might be around in the dust or something... I would greatly appreciate your help.