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  1. herolich2

    Old mods

    My guess is that these mods are indeed lost to time, along with a few others that were hosted here: Land 3 Sandbox - Builder Map By Kays Land 2 Sandbox V2 By Kays Land 3 Sandbox - Builder V2 By Kays Land 10 V1 - The forgotten Aztec Land By Kays 3-way V2 By LUCINDREA Pond Island By Kays The...
  2. herolich2

    Fan Project to learn - How to BW2 Multiplayer

    I'd suggest following the guide on this site on how to get the game working.
  3. herolich2

    key or mouse bindings wont work

    What land are you on? And did you skip any lands? The game can be a little... buggy, at times. But I've never seen it fail to function to this extent. Feel free to add screenshots if need be. You can make them by doing Alt + S, and they can be found in my documents/Black & White 2 under the...
  4. herolich2

    info.cdat and info.txt files

    So, hate to necro such an old post, but did you ever get to making a compiler/decompiler for info.cdat?
  5. herolich2

    BWPlus Script Repo now public!

    Heya guys! Herolich here. After some deliberation, I have decided to make my Script Repo for my mod "Black & White Plus" public for all to see! Now, if you want to be surprised by what will happen in my mod, and aren't planning on looking at it for scripting ideas, then I implore to you...
  6. herolich2

    Black & White Plus 0.5

    This mod makes small changes (for now) to the game, allowing for you to always get your original creature back, removing a lot of handholding, fixing a few issues, and adding some details that I think are neat. For now the mod only alters stuff on the first three lands, but I have hopes of...
  7. herolich2

    Tribal Pack Plus V 1.0 missing

    Ello everyone. So, some of you might have heard of this mod called "Tribal Pack Plus" which allows you to use the buildings and aesthetics of the other tribes in the game. Personally I always loved this mod, because I am a big fan of the building mechanics and wished to use the other tribe...
  8. herolich2

    Windows 10 64-bit Installation problems. Land 5 Ignored and Speech.lug error

    Let's start of with the basics. - what version are you using? (Fanpatches, Redux, etc.) - Where did you install it? I think I also got that message when I installed it, but the game works fine for me. Besides, if the issue was the Speech.lug file, you would have noticed that WAY sooner (It's...
  9. herolich2

    Land 2 Sandbox (Herolich2 Edit)

    herolich2 submitted a new resource: Land 2 Sandbox (Herolich2 Edit) - A edited version of the land 2 sandbox map Read more about this resource...
  10. herolich2

    Land 2 Sandbox (Herolich2 Edit) 1.0.0

    Changes: -Town 2 now actually owns the buildings surrounding it. -The town centres, storehouses and 3 mines are placed in smoother locations. -Added decorations to the map. Based of:
  11. herolich2

    Redux Mod for Black & White 2

    Can you maybe add in the vortex made by willy
  12. herolich2

    Still working on it?

    Have you installed the fan patch? How much have you modified the game? One tip I can give: often and always safe your game! Hope it can help
  13. herolich2

    Fallout 4 question

    This is out of sheer curiousity leave your reasons below, and i might make polls for the other characters
  14. herolich2

    B&W CI Player Settings v1.15 (with remakes of all my AI Symbbols)

    Does this work for B&W normal?
  15. herolich2

    GODCAT lion skin

    Please tell me what you think. Feedback will help a bunch. :)
  16. herolich2

    GODCAT lion skin

    herolich2 submitted a new resource: GODCAT lion skin - This mod replaces your lion with Godcat, so you can reclaim this world for cat kind. Read more about this resource...
  17. herolich2

    GODCAT lion skin 1.0.0

    This mod replaces your lion with Godcat, so you can reclaim this world for cat kind. Godcat is property of Kupogames/Matt Roszak. This mod was made for fun. Be sure to read the readme!
  18. herolich2

    Harmys building sandbox herolich2 edit

    herolich2 submitted a new resource: Harmys building sandbox herolich2 edit - This is a edited version of Harmy's building sandbox, because I felt like it. Read more about this resource...
  19. herolich2

    Harmys building sandbox herolich2 edit 1.0.0

    This is a edited version of Harmy's building sandbox, because I felt like it. link to BWfiles file (is not working): Link where you can get a working original version:
  20. herolich2

    What is originally in the ART file

    Alright, let's try again. I want to plat B&W2 but every time I try to play it loads for a bit, and then crashes. I think the issue lies in the Data folder, more specifically the Art folder. I want to know what's originaly in that folder, so I can fix it again by deleting everything that isn't...