Black&White (and CI) have problems with loading. To load something, the game needs 2 minutes instead of some seconds. At the beginning of the Loading Screen, the game freezes for nearly the most of the time. The Loading Progress itself is normal.
I am Using Windows 8.1 and don't change the...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
20 new Temple Styles - This pack contains 20 new temple styles. Read the Readme for more informations and how to use them.
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Player Settings v1.9 (includes Player AI Symbbols) - An updated Version of my BW CI Playersettings Tool. Read the Readme for more informations.
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
(EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain - This is an example Map for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion'.
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion - This file modifications are needed to edit the landscapes with land heights above 255, up to 2047 fo
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Land Heights Expansion - This tool make it possible, to have maps with land heights, higher than 255 units.
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It's very simple, because I found a new way to do this in the last days:
1. Rename a cps file, for example Nemesis.cps into Nemesis.raw.
2. Open it as a 64x64 grayscale picture with XnView.
3. Now you can change the picture, how do you like.
4. Save the file in grayscale and after saving...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Player Settings v1.15 (with remakes of all my AI Symbbols) - A new Version of my B&W CI Player Settings tool, but with some bugfixes and the support for changing
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I found one of the most useful Glitches in B&W (CI).
With the Map Script line "SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE" you can change a lot of values in the Memory of the game, like an Gametrainer, because the limit for a maximal (or minimal) value is missed, to limit the area of memory, the Script line use...
I found a way, to fix PLAYER_FIVE, PLAYER_SIX and PLAYER_SEVEN.
If you play a skirmish map with this players, they don't have own statistics in the menu and they don't count to the winning conditions for defeated enemies. So normal you only need to destroy the other 3 players, but not the last...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
Naruto - Mugen Tsukuyomi - The Mugen Tsukuyomi moon from the Naruto Manga and Anime. Much fun^^
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Player Extrasettings 1.2b - Change some player settings, for example color, alignment, temple type...
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Because my Genesismod is in German and I still need to find some translators (every communication with the potential translators didn't was successful), I want to make a new topic for the Translations, where I post the dialogs I want to translate from german to English.
Because the German...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
Genesismod V 1.51 (Update) - This is a new Version of my Genesismod for some Bugfixes.
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I am curious, which b&w-players still play multiplayer-games in B&W since the down of the server.
Because after a very long time I like to play B&W in multiplayer again.
For all interesst b&w-Players, I have a new Hamachi-Network!
Networkname: KratzeanB&W
password: game
I need a new map for my Genesismod, and I have enought Ideas, but I want to make a contest for my Genesismod, to give each member a Chance, to make a map for my mod!
So that I start a contest for Island7! Each Member have the chance, to make a map for my genesismod and the besst map I use for...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0 - This version of the Colorswapper is a updatet Version.
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Kratzean submitted a new resource:
Alllands (5 Maps) - This five Maps with the "Allands.lnd" are a combination from Land1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Land T.
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