It has been 20 years since the release of Black & White and still there is such a huge vibrant community playing and modding the game.
In celebration of the anniversary here is a showcase of new mods created by the community.
Make sure you've joined our Discord to stay up to date with new...
Matt submitted a new resource:
Black & White Creature Isle Unofficial Patch v1.24 - Fixes Creature Isle to run on Windows 10 and much much more.
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Matt submitted a new resource:
Black & White: Creatures DS (Cancelled Game) - An early build of Black & White: Creatures, the unreleased Nintendo DS game.
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Matt submitted a new resource:
Black & White Scripting Tools - Official tools from Lionhead Studios to create new challenges in Black & White.
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Any questions or discussion about Black & White 2 or BoTG can be asked here. I will do my best to answer your questions.
Check out my bw2-modding repository. You can find information about file formats used in Black & White 2, scripting language documentation and more on the LHVM (Lionhead...
Merry Christmas :) I've just finished the fan patch for BW2: BoTG and have created user friendly installers for both Black & White 1 and 2. These patches include various bug fixes to make the Black and White series run as smoothly as possible on your new modern systems. Downloads and support...
Matt submitted a new resource:
BW2 BotG V1.1 Fan Patch - Unofficial patch. Fixes a number of issues with running the game on newer systems.
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Egerion submitted a new resource:
Black & White 2 Unofficial Patch v1.41 - Fixes the sequel game to run on Windows 10 and much much more.
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Matt submitted a new resource:
Black & White Unofficial Patch v1.42 - Fixes the original game to run on Windows 10 and much much more.
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Here are the original script files for Black & White 2.
These include scripts for the epic wonders, all the quests in every land and some additional unused scripts. Enjoy :) If you're making a custom map you should use these epic cinematics instead of Daxter's fan made ones...
Today the following was posted on the Xbox website regarding the cancellation of Fable Legends and the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK.
For the most part Black and White 2 runs pretty well on modern systems - unfortunately if you have newer graphics cards the game sets the graphics options to ultra low, my fan patch should fix that. Install the game and then install the following patches in order and your game should run...
Black and White was released in 2001, it's over 20 years old! And sadly it hasn't aged well, there are a lot of issues, but they can be fixed! Here's how.
Uninstall any previous attempts
Before you attempt to install anything, if you have failed to install it properly before, make sure you...
Kays' Place is no more; unfortunately the website that was home to Black and White has fallen into an irreparable state, so BWFiles has been made to salvage what was left, over the past few years I've salvaged and patched what I could from Kays' Place to bring you this.
All the file downloads...
Would be interesting if we could get a collection of bugs together, I've been working on fixing a few things recently and would love to get as much as possible in:
here's an interesting bug I found, once your storehouse food amount surpasses 65,535 (max size of an unsigned 16-bit integer) your...
Just a place I've been documenting my reverse engineering efforts, I hope to also fill it with the archived wiki entries from 2005 on modding.
Feel free to contribute!