Search results

  1. Gremxula

    What is this about graphics.config?

    Just edit the file as above but use 3-0-3 on the nvidia 5500 part of the list. . Generic explanation over the years since B&W2 has been out both the  ATI and Nvidia card numbering systems have crossed over. An ATI 9xxx card is very old but has the same series number is used for the latest...
  2. Gremxula

    Graphic problem!!

    Also it would be good if you said  ... Where you installed the game. On the newer (than the game) versions of Windows (Vista and W7) the default install will cause problems  for  lots of  games  not just B&W 1 or2. ... To save you time waiting for  a reply then just uninstall the  game. Then...
  3. Gremxula

    Black and White played with Kinect + Wiimote

    If only this was available 10y ago then it would have  been brilliant. Today it is  still neat but  my remaining  interest in B&W  would not run  to getting the extra hardware. The P5 glove did it all,  as dose the mouse with one hand. This  method  needs both hands and body tilting to operate...
  4. Gremxula

    Crashes during save

    As has  been said the answer is  to locate the install outside  the "Program Files" folder on Vista/7 ...... D:/Games worked for me and is  the default  path for several other  installs. It seems like modern  games  look for a "Games" folder to install to where ever it is located.
  5. Gremxula

    Black & White 2 With Black & White 1 Graphics

    Pop 3...More than B&W mainly  because it  can  be a quick  blast. . UW and  AOC
  6. Gremxula

    Self-Sufficient and Occupied Creature?

    I mostly agree with your comments Sylcai. The map is not 100% it never was meant to be a free ride. If you do it right you get a fully grown  creature and  some  small sense of achievement. Perhaps where it went wrong for you is the fact that felt that you needed to slap your creature when the ...
  7. Gremxula

    Help me pick a creature for my new game?

    Tiger is my choice. Slow to learn but that is a good thing as it makes him slow to forget. Apes and other quick learners  can often pick up on your mistakes too quick and undo your plans for your perfect creature. Much has been said over the years about training but for me all the "Perfect...
  8. Gremxula

    Favourite Epic Wonder?

    As a Good guy.....Siren  has my vote ...a lot quicker  than breeding. As Evil I do like the glitch in the game that can make temporary landscapes permanent. So yes you can make  Land bridges that last. The remaining features of a ground effect epic are made permanent if you apply a second epic...
  9. Gremxula

    Fur/Grass Problem. ;_;

    From memory it is only the numbers that are important so it  may well be worth editing  an entry to ( after making a backup) ....... 945    3    0      3. If that gives you the full beans then you may need to trim back resolution and / or other settings to get the  best out  of you game /...
  10. Gremxula

    Black and White 2 Creatures are Pointless!

    Just about the  same for me...... as my general feeling the B&W2 creature is not your pet but an armoured unit to buy upgrades for.
  11. Gremxula

    Black & White 2 With Black & White 1 Graphics

    That's progress. To my  mind  B&W2 needed a new game engine just to support the higher  graphics resolution and detail that  we  all expected. And with it came the cuts to keep within budget and then deeper cuts to split B&W2 into  game and expansion. That was just milking the fans for as much...
  12. Gremxula

    problem with the weather

    From my experience of the game..... It gets to be hard work maintaining your existing villages , with  villagers not working. Yes you can stay in the  after  game zone for  as long  as you like but it will wear you  down eventually, when you realise there is  no  recovery to  a normal land. ...
  13. Gremxula

    Saving Problems?

    I agree..... you need to install to  another  folder outside  program files....Games is a good choice as  many new  games look for that folder. The  B&W 1.2 patch includes the  1.1 but  either is fine for ordinary SP. 1.1 bug  fixes. 1.2 is 1.1 plus some  MP fixes. 1.3 is  as above but  with ...
  14. Gremxula


    There is not much MP  activity so you may well need  to arrange a time to play with another willing player first. Then after you have  some one to play with , then you can set up the  VLAN program  you both use and all the rest. Win conditions etc..
  15. Gremxula

    Increase Sprite and Texture load distance?

    Sylcai..just about  said it all.
  16. Gremxula

    problem with the weather

    No it is hard coded into the game. You win then exit the land is the best way to go. Your profile  will get damaged as you try to  keep going on a  path that only leads to  eventual defeat. Try it if you want  but  don't complain that you  were not  warned.
  17. Gremxula

    Moving installs/profiles across installations

    Just about any B&W1 save or set of files is useless if you  can't  restore the  registry keys. Maybe it will be  easier just to  restart. Then use your knowledge of the game to get an advantage.
  18. Gremxula

    problem with the weather

    Leave the  land now...ASAP. The perpetual twilight is really bad news....DO NOT TRY TO STAY THERE.... Restart go skirmish or MP but just do not play the main game after the " end  scene" you  will not be  able  to play with  any joy  for long. It just  gets bitter.
  19. Gremxula

    Missing Files?

    On mine the Profiles, Data and Script directories are in  the main Game directory. . Doing your own map on  a Mac is entirely possible. The map itself is  entirely  plain text , so any simple text editor will do.. The Help file / Mapping list is HTML so will open in any browser. . Landscapes are...
  20. Gremxula

    Tiger Unlocker

    No the unlocker or any of the workrounds only work on  old  32bit systems. 64 bit has been the normal on new systems for  years now. I have the  collectors edition and 64 bit nothing works exept the  save game I did  to get the tiger on my new PC years ago now. It was the only way to get it  on ...